The Terra Nova expedition, led by British explorer, Captain Robert Falcon Scott is one of the most poignant journeys of the golden age of Edwardian exploration.
Famously, Scott and his five-man team set out from Scott’s Hut on the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf to become the first to reach the South Pole. After 77 days travelling they successfully arrived on 17 January 1912…. to find the Norwegian team, led by Amundsen had beaten them by just 33 days.
Tragically the whole team perished on their return, just 11 miles short of their next supply depot and 97 miles short of Scott’s Hut, their final destination.
Route: Return journey to the South Pole starting at Scott’s Hut on the Ross Ice Shelf. The team perished 97 miles short of their final destination on the return.
Distance: 1600 miles
Time taken: 122
Support: Dogs, ponies and mechanical tractors
Captain Scott remains a national hero and iconic figure in both British and polar history. He is also well known for the scientific and exploratory work undertaken on his expeditions.
Captain Scott and The Terra Nova expedition is the inspiration for the Scott Expedition.
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