the Journey

  • Distance to go: 0 Mi

    Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.

    Distances here are shown in statute miles.

90 Degrees South (Day 63)

Day 63: S89° 52' 1.14", E178° 50' 19.32"

Duration: 18 Hr 00 Min

Daily distance: 35.3 Mi

Distance to go: 890.5 Mi

Temperature: -26 °C

Wind chill: -35 °C

Altitude: 9364 Ft

Yesterday evening at 20.35 GMT Ben and Tarka reached the South Pole and marked the halfway point of the Scott Expedition. They have since turned around and have started their journey skiing back to the coast 900 miles away.

Ben sends his apologies for not writing an update himself but after skiing 35.31 miles (56.83km) yesterday and almost 19 hours on thier feet he understandbly couldnt quite muster the energy to put pen to paper and express the emotions of this landmark day. Ben will be sending a full update in the next 24 hours once they have completed another days skiing. Ben and Tarka thank you all for your unwavering support that helped them reach the pole.

I am immensely proud of Ben and Tarka's achievement reaching the South Pole and in particular for having the strength to turn around and start the return journey back to the coast.

Today's photo was taken just before Ben and Tarka flew from Union Glacier to McMurdo at the start of thier expedition two months ago


# bee, December 27th 2013

Brilliant achievement, you are both an inspiration.
Safe return journey. May the wind be at your backs.

# Nick, December 27th 2013

Very good.  But I do think sometimes why the BBC don’t sponsor such things or maybe they do?
Maybe down to management problems ! (£)

But the thing is considering it’s the public’s license money, then it would be society who would effectively be sponsoring people like yourselves.

Not a bad thing considering what great effort you’ve put into this.  Immense effort.

# Kara, December 27th 2013

So excited that they made it! Congrats to Ben & Tarka and I’m wishing them speed and health on the journey back.

# jamehand, December 27th 2013

Great stuff lads, following the return journey intently!

# leo HOULDING, December 27th 2013

All down hill from here chaps! Well done, you’re past half way! Leo

# McDowell Crook, December 27th 2013

Absolutely incredible achievement. Well done!!!

# AlisonP, December 27th 2013

WooHoo!!!!!!  Out with the bubbly (here)!  Well done, lads!  Can’t wait to hear how it felt.  May mother nature smile on you on your way back.  Have a safe return.

# Jennifer, December 27th 2013

Over 35 miles with an actual temperature of -26 C (-14.8 F) is death-defyingly, amazingly stupendous!  But then again, what has this entire expedition been?  Beyond my comprehension, to be certain.  Let’s just make sure that future history book authors spell L’Herpiniere correctly.

As an aside, when I looked at today’s photo, which was taken at the beginning of the expedition, I almost thought it was a double-exposure of Ben.  I’ve never seen he and Tarka resemble each other quite so closely before now.

# Chris, December 27th 2013

Well done guys!!!  You will never forget this - a truly great achievement.  God be with you on your return, go for it!

# Dave Collinson , December 27th 2013

Congratulations, now for the leisurely stroll home!

# flask, December 27th 2013

i am crying a little, reading this.

they went on foot 800 miles to pass by lit windows and not go in. i expect it is a lonely feeling, going back out.

then again, i’m feeling kind of put-out today having to go all the way to the grocery store.

# Ben, December 27th 2013

Congratulations guys! Tremendous effort! It’s been fascinating to follow your journey so far and I wish you all the best for the return leg. All downhill now - easy right? ;)

Godspeed and travel safe guys.

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