the Journey
Distance to go:
0 Mi
Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.
Distances here are shown in statute miles.
Ben and Tarka Make History (Official Announcement)
S77° 50' 53.88", E166° 46' 15.96"
Duration: 5 Hr
Daily distance: 11.1 Mi
Distance to go: 0 Mi
Altitude: 26 Ft

On Friday 7th February at 01.15am Ben and Tarka have re-written history as they completed, for the first time ever, the ill-fated journey of Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s iconic Terra Nova expedition.
Having trekked 1,795 miles across the inhospitable landscape of Antarctica on a return journey to the South Pole and back, Ben and Tarka have achieved the world record for the longest polar journey on foot in history.
The journey, which has taken a total of 105 days (just over ¼ of a year), has pushed the limits of physical and mental fortitude and reset the bar for polar expeditions of the future. Ben and Tarka hauled sleds with a starting weight of almost 200kg each and walked on average 17 miles daily in temperatures as low as -46oC wind chill.
Ben Saunders said, “It is almost impossible to comprehend what we have achieved. Completing Scott’s Terra Nova expedition has been a life-long dream and I’m overcome to be standing here at the finish. The journey has been a mammoth undertaking that has tested the bounds of our bodies and minds each and every day.”
“At times we found ourselves in dire straits in the intense cold, wind and altitude of the high plateau, weakened by half-rations and closer to the brink of survival than I had ever anticipated this journey taking us. In that light, both Tarka and I feel a combination of awe and profound respect for the endurance, tenacity and fortitude of Captain Scott and his team, a century ago.”
Captain Scott and his men died having covered almost 1,600 miles and this feat has never been surpassed in over 100 years, until today.
Land Rover and Intel are co-presenting partners of the Scott Expedition and have both played an important role in facilitating the expedition. Land Rover having assisted Ben in his training which has taken him to many inaccessible places across the UK, Europe and Greenland; and Intel provided Ultrabooks powered by its latest 4th generation Intel® CoreTM processor technology allowing Ben and Tarka to share their journey with the world along the way in their daily blog ( Intel put the technology through its paces over several weeks prior to Ben and Tarka’s departure by freezing the Ultrabooks at temperatures of -40C.
Mark Cameron Jaguar Land Rover Director, Brand Experience “ It has been a true privilege for Land Rover to have played a part in this incredible expedition. I have followed Ben and Tarka each day, trying in some small way to live the experience so vividly and eloquently described through Ben’s blog. To complete this journey has taken the very highest levels of physical and mental fortitude as well as a sheer determination to succeed.”
“We all need heroes, incredible individuals or teams to provide inspiration to spur us on to achieve better for ourselves and the people around us. There are few feats of any description that exemplify more appropriately the Land Rover mantra of going ‘Above and Beyond’. Congratulations Ben and Tarka.”
Commenting on Intel’s support of the Scott Expedition, Patrick Bliemer, Regional Manager for Intel Northern Europe, said: “We are honoured to have played a small part in this record-breaking Scott Expedition by Ben and Tarka. We are incredibly proud that Intel technology has helped him share his experiences with audiences around the world – this unprecedented access is the first of its kind and one which will change the future of expeditions to come.”
Ben will be in touch shortly with the full low down and pictures from this historic moment. In the meantime - a massive thank you to all of you, our amazing followers. World - let's celebrate!
# Mitch M, February 7th 2014
Way to go!
# P Stanners, February 7th 2014
Epic lads, truly epic. I’ve been following you both the whole way and it’s been inspirational to say the least.
I’m sure I won’t be alone in raising a glass to you both later!
Good effort! :)
# Mike Milchanowski, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka! From the first time I saw Ben’s Ted talk year ago, I have followed the training, planning and now completion of this monumental journey. Heros indeed!
- Mike
# Stef, February 7th 2014
Brilliant. Absolutely bloody brilliant!!!! 10 years in the making and you never, ever gave up. So proud of you Ben. Soak it up mate. You’ve earned every bit of it. Absolute legend.
# gail rose, February 7th 2014
Congratulations. Looking forward for the final posts and pictures . Hope you will post some comments in a few months to let us know how you are doing and your thoughts of the journey completed. Take care.
# MarinaK, February 7th 2014
# Nansen, February 16th 2014
It’s great that there still remains the opportunity for future expedition to accomplish the first unsupported Scott journey. The dream remains alive for another day.
# Deacon Patrick, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! Wow! May God startle you with joy on your return home.
With abandon,
# sandra and jim pitblado, February 7th 2014
# Heidi, February 7th 2014
We are so happy for you! Warmest hugs from Southern California!
# CaninesCashews, February 7th 2014
Well its 02.10 in the morning here in London, and I have just had the most fantastic evening/morning following this epic adventure to its conclusion.
I have shared that experience with strangers and friends from many countries as we all watched a tiny red tracker marker move towards its ultimate goal.
Great stuff from everyone involved on the Expedition Team – from the guys and girls at HQ, the partners and sponsors through to the families waiting and watching, and then to those two guys who dragged heavy things around a very cold place.
Well done everyone – see you on here tomorrow.
# Heidi, February 7th 2014
Well said.
# Mal Owen, February 7th 2014
Congratulations to Ben,Tarka and Team,
What a night that was ...
You’ve given me 105 and a bit days I shall never, ever forget. It has been a privilege to accompany you on your journey. You faced the challenge of Antarctica and won with awesome physical and mental strength. Enjoy your future dreams….you know you can fulfil them.
# Jon Trusler, February 7th 2014
Congrats guys! :D
My favorite quote for times like this is from Terry Goodkind.
“Deserve Victory”
You do.
Your victory is set in the history books forever!
# Phil Uzzell, February 7th 2014
You strove, you sought, you found… and you did not yield. You truely deserve your place in history.
# Lucy Scott, February 7th 2014
Amazing news! Congratulations Ben and Tarka! An absolutely phenomenal feat! Absolutely thrilled for you! Toasting your incredible achievement in Yorkshire this evening!
# Rich Townsend, February 7th 2014
Fantastic news, guys! You’ve earned every scrap of delicious food you’ve been fantasizing about over the past months—I hope it tastes as good as you’ve imagined!
# Iyad Obeid, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! What an epic effort. I’ve been reading along every day and I’m thrilled to know you’ve made it. Enjoy your rest and your food. You’ve earned it!
# Matt, February 7th 2014
Congratulations both! Has been a privilege to have been able to follow the journey each day. Enjoy the moment for what is not only a truly historic achievement but a massive personal achievement in your careers. This inspires people like me to set our own goals high and not settle for anything less than what we all know we have the potential to achieve.
# Rich Townsend, February 7th 2014
PS I hope there will be a coffee-table book of pictures emerging at some point…
# Christy, Indiana, U.S., February 7th 2014
Though I try to live simply without a surplus of things, I for one would definitely have to have the joy of ownership of such a book!
# Leigh, February 7th 2014
CONGRATULATIONS!! Like so many others I’ve been glued to the screen following the little red dot, willing you to the finish line. Thank you so much for taking all of us on your truly epic adventure. A truly invincible team, I’ll be toasting you and Tarka this evening.
# Deepak Jaiswal, February 7th 2014
Congrats Ben and Tarka. I have been following you guys since day one and 1st thing I do every morning is to get updated blog.
# Ted, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka!
You have demonstrated incredible physical and mental fortitude over the past 106 days and it’s been so inspiring to follow your daily progress.
I hope you both are able to rest, nourish and just enjoy the glow of your accomplishment as soon as possible!
# Suri and Rekha, February 7th 2014
Congratulations. Ben and Tarka, you guys are awesome.
# irene, February 7th 2014
woot woot
# Claire, February 7th 2014
You’ve done the fantastic, every step was a feat and you strove through despite the adversities which are incomprehensible to the rest of the world.
So much respect, and gratitude for sharing glimpses of what humans are capable of (with a little help from our friends!) - every time I feel like giving up I’ll think of Ben, Tarka, “pipe down and crack on”,and a group of explorers that braved the South over 100 years ago.
I’ll try to do more and live up to the bar that’s been set! Try to work up to those 60+ marathons you’ve done, first one ever in May :)
# Nigel W, February 7th 2014
Fantastic news. Congratulations. Just brfilliant ! A pleasure to follow.
# L. Alan Johansson, February 7th 2014
You never, never, never, never, never…..gave up. Good show.
# Henry Worsley, February 7th 2014
Utter respect to Ben, Tarka and Andy for what you have all achieved.
A 10 year project - you never gave up and are now triumphant.
Even in the depths of winter there was within you all, an invincible summer.
# Joycey the main man Joyce, February 7th 2014
Congratulations from us all. It is delightful you have returned in one piece. It has been a fantastic experience being able to follow your every move, which is credit to your sponsors and your discipline to keep writing. Well done chaps. Over the moon.
# Kat, February 7th 2014
Wonderful! Congratulations…so happy you both made it back in one piece! Looking forward to the book! Please keep posting for a while, Ben & Tarka. I’ll miss those daily blog updates….
# Peter McCarthy, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka, absolutely awesome effort. Revel in the glory - you deserve it and a hot shower and a scone or two. The heroic era is alive and well as long as men such as you are on this earth.
# Dave, February 7th 2014
Is that Ben in this picture?
# Dave, February 7th 2014
Try copying the address and pasting it into a browser rather than clicking on it.
# Chris, February 7th 2014
Not sure who it is!
The link, as is, doesn’t work. You have to type .html to the end after pasting.. This might work…
# Dave, February 7th 2014
This site doesn’t seem to like including “html” in links for some reason. Maybe just not after “jpg”?
# Offroading Home, February 7th 2014
There have been a couple of people who saw a “mysterious figure” in the webcam AND who had trouble getting any link to work on these comments. A photograph HAS to be stored on the web somewhere with it’s own web address before a link will work in these comments. Places like Photobucket etc. give photos their own address BUT have programming to prevent third parties from skimming them - which, is what requests from these comments look like to it. So, when you put links in here, they either don’t work at all or go to a photobucket page which gives an error.
In lieu of all that, several people have sent me (Offroading Home) their screen captures by attaching them to an email via the web page. Tonight we have seen one screen with a shadowy figure, lightly bundled in a dark coat, standing at the lower right edge of the screen - the timing, build and clothing adjudged that NOT to be either Ben or Tarka.
A second screenshot of a silhouette of a man standing in a patch of snow by the shoreline was also adjudged NOT to be either Ben or Tarka for similar reasons. If your photo is different than what I’ve described please attach it to an email to me and I’ll see to it that it gets a “home” on the web so others can see if it turns out to be Ben.
Based on comment posts and emails I’ve become privy to - from Andy to others with similar concerns - it’s doubtful that Ben and Tarka thought it a high enough priority to comply with followers requests. Andy has told one emailer to leave the question to him and he’ll get back to her if it was Ben. If he ever does, she’s said she will let me know and I’ll see to it that a post is made in these comments if it hasn’t already been done.
# Sheila England, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! Rest well, and enjoy being with your loved ones again.
Cannot wait to see the photos. I will miss reading this blog, but now I may re-read it again, before it is taken down?
Lots of love to you both!
# Jesse, February 7th 2014
Congratulations guys! I’ve been following for a long time. So inspiring. Reading this blog everyday got me through a lot of crappy days at work. Thank you. I’m kind of sad to not get updates every day now though :)
# Ben, February 7th 2014
I have been following your blog since mid-fall. What a fantastic journey! The pictures and stories are incredible. Congratulations!
# Susy Ellison, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! I have been following your trek each day. Amazing work.
# Courtney M, February 7th 2014
# MJB, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! Peace and healing to you both. Pure awe, wonder, and joy for you both!
# Ben, February 7th 2014
Congratulations team! What an achievement. Delighted that you’ve achieved your dream after working so hard towards for 10 years. Looking forward to seeing the finishing photos! Enjoy whatever food and drinks you’ve been craving for the past 3 months!
# Richard McGehee, February 7th 2014
You placed your lives on the line for your dream, as did Captain Scott and his men.
We must all do the same.
Happy trails to you from Kentucky.
# Jim C, February 7th 2014
Well done, gentlemen! Congratulations on your incredible accomplishment. It was so great following you each day. Looking forward your post-adventure publicity.
# Christy, Indiana, U.S., February 7th 2014
“Spell oh” Scott would cry. The Southern Party has returned, now all 7 can rest. Well done lads!
# Mary S, February 7th 2014
Amazing epic journey….many congratulations! We are delighted that you came through it all safe and sound, and will soon be off the ice. We are in awe of your strength, determination and courage.
# Hesta, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka! What an incredible and amazing achievement! I’m chuffed to bits for you both. It’s nearly 4am here in England but I’m going to get up and have a beer to toast you both! Cheers!
# Shelly, February 7th 2014
Congratulations from the Caribbean. Have a long rest and safe trip home.
Hope you at least get to eat some of the things you’ve been daydreaming of for the last months.
# Dave in Michigan, February 7th 2014
Welcome back to civilization Ben and Tarka. Glad you made it safely to the finish. Wow. What an epic journey. You planned and executed a perfect adventure and set a new bar for mankind. Thanks so much for bringing us along for the ride. I celebrate with you on this historic day.
# Allison & Mark, February 7th 2014
Absolutely fantastic. WELL DONE . So proud of both of you.
Now what am I going to read every morning?
# Jennifer, February 7th 2014
Mazel tov!! What a fantastic feat! You’ve accomplished the impossible by enduring extreme physical limits with pure grace and humility. (Your detractors and critics are no doubtedly scowling as fiercely as the elements treated you.)
Incredibly spectacular job, gentlemen.
# Dan, February 7th 2014
# P. Sproehnle, February 7th 2014
Wow…after following the entire trip - I’m compelled to make my first post.
First and foremost, Congratulations to Ben and Tarka!
Second, Congratulations to the entire team that have and continue to support them.
This journey and candid blog have been a daily inspiration. At times I would dream what it would be like to follow their tracks, head up the Beardmore, slip on the icy surface, make camp, see the slights only a few have seen, get to the pole and back…and other times I worried would they make it, doubted I ever could, and just hoped they would.
So gents - congrats! I think you earned a vacation, please make it a warm spot!
# Eamon M, February 7th 2014
What an incredible achievement. Congratulations!
# marc, February 7th 2014
Ben and Tarka and the team, congratulations. Enjoy your success. A monumental effort. Enjoy those home comforts you’ve missed for so long boys!
# John and Chris Smith, February 7th 2014
Well done guys. Proud of you.
Have followed your journey every day. Admire your courage and tenacity under frequently adverse conditions, in achieving a remarkable goal.
Your journey will undoubtedly go down in history - and rightly so.
We look forward to reading the book which we hope will follow in time.
Kia Kaha
John and Chris, Christchurch, New Zealand.
# Don, February 7th 2014
Congratulations. You two are amazing!
I hope you keep blogging daily as I enjoy your writing and would love to hear about the trip home. (with pictures.:)
# Andy Lawrence , February 7th 2014
Anything I can say is inadequate to the monumental effort Ben & Tarka have put in to making this happen. I am moved almost to tears by this news . A superb effort and a superb result. I know you have inspired others to achieve other goals and you have certainly inspired me.
One request, keep the site live and let us know when the book, the DVD and the lecture tour are happening because as sure as eggs is eggs I want to hear the story first hand.
# Julia Woods, February 7th 2014
Many cogratulations Ben and Tarka and thank you so much for such interesting and exciting blogs over the last three months. Hope you enjoy every mouthful of those dreamed about meals, Julia
# MarkR, February 7th 2014
Many congratulations. Truly inspiring. Enjoy the return.
# Jarda, February 7th 2014
Hi Ben and Tarka,
I suppose your feelings must be indescribable. You´ve become legends. Hope the Scott´s team celebrates your success in the Heaven.
Congratulations from Hradec Králové, Czech republic.
Thank you for your sharing this briliant and really historical journey!
# Darcy, February 7th 2014
Wahoo!!!! Way to go!!!!
# Colin Buckley, February 7th 2014
Raise your glasses ladies and gentlemen, a Toast to two very Extraordinary men!
And thankyou for sharing the experience with us all.
# Ali, February 7th 2014
Yay! Massive well done guys x
# Lisa Jane Persky, February 7th 2014
Yes!!!! Wonderful news, Ben and Tarka. Wishing you warmth, food of your choice, good health, modern plumbing, the embrace of your loving families (pets included) and sleep with sweet dreams-in any order you like. Thanks for keeping us posted. Looking forward to the rest of your story.
# Pulakesh Saikia, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! :)
# Caro, February 7th 2014
Congratulations, Ben & Tarka! It’s been a priviledge to get to follow you along on this awe-inspiring trek at the edge of what humans can do.
I hope the food and the showers awaiting you are awesome. :)
# Damian Harris , February 7th 2014
Congratulations to you both.
Glad to see you back safe and sound after a monumental effort.
# Stephen Hackett, February 7th 2014
Fantastic news. Well done chaps. Heroic.
# kiera, February 7th 2014
Congratulations of the highest order! I’ve loved following each day of your amazing journey and I can’t wait to hear which of your food daydreams were the first to get checked off the list!
Such an amazing feat. Well done!
# Richard Dunwoody, February 7th 2014
Huge well done to you both!
# Theresa Bristow, February 7th 2014
Wonderful, wonderful. Congratulations
# Jon G, February 7th 2014
Gav was right yesterday: you’ve been standing on the shoulders of giants.
One thing to add: I’ve no doubt you’ll help others stand on yours.
Today feels like a day for all of us to commit to a 10 year dream.
# Richard Mills, February 7th 2014
In a world of news that is so often negative - there are acts of heroic quality that allow us all to share in the celebration. TOTALLY AWESOME!
Enjoy the rest and we all look forward to reading more.
# Gill Buckenham , February 7th 2014
Congratulations is too small a word for you two giants among men -I am in total awe of your amazing achievement. Met Ben at Campdowne 2008 and have been willing this day to come for a very long time. Ben and Tarka you are the supreme team. Thank you - we all need heroes. thethe supreme
# Michele P, February 7th 2014
Many many congratulations Ben and Tarka on your amazing and incredible achievement. I hope that your exhaustion allowed you to take in and enjoy the moment your dream came true. I would imagine that your emotions will continue to grow over the next days, may you enjoy every single moment of deeply understanding what you have achieved and recognising the place you now have in history. Thank you for sharing your journey will us, your blog was absolutely incredible and I will miss having it to read. Enjoy your next days and weeks as your life returns to being full of some of the most wonderful things in life: loved ones, family, friends, food and sleep!
# Philippe Francken, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben & Tarka!
This was an epic journey to follow and I am glad to have played a very small part in it myself. You both definitely deserved some R&R when you guys are back. Hope to shake both your hands and congratulate you both on this achievement.
So, what’s next in store? Just kidding! Enjoy the moment and the time you see your loved ones again.
# Nora Wolfe, February 7th 2014
Bravo my friends. I am honored to have followed you these past 3 months. May your bodies heal, your minds rest, and your loved ones surround you. I am blessed that I was along for the ride. Thank you so much.
# Paul Adams, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! Very impressive and you’ve set a new bar for polar expeditions
# Štěpán Hnyk, February 7th 2014
Super-magnificent-jumbo-mountainiously brfilliant! I am glad we don’t have to wait another century for this journey to be completed :-)) But I suspect it will take at least that long before anyone attempts at following your example. It seems that Antarctica actually might not be an ideal place for a walk…
# Richard Browning, February 7th 2014
Superb chaps! Awesome display of mental and physical endurance.
# Matt, February 7th 2014
Congratulations gents,
It has been amazing and humbling to read and watch your mammoth trek these last 4 months.
It is truly inspirational what you have achieved.
I’m not a religious man but Scott, Oates, Wilson, Bowers, and Taffy Evans would be having some extra pemmican and wine in heaven tonight,
Well done
‘Im just going outside, I may be some time.’
# Enrico, February 7th 2014
splash down!
# Kelly hudson, February 7th 2014
My little girl….the one who wouldn’t go to bed last night…..wants to send you this message…
Well done for finishing. I was asleep when you finished but I tried to stay awake.
Have you had a nice breakfast.Im having coco pops!
I hope you can come to the gang show.
I’m going to tell my teacher today all about you Kaitlin xxxxxx
Note from mum…..awesome boys! We’ll done xxxxx
# Richard W, February 7th 2014
Fantastic, what a truly astounding achievement! Huge congratulations from all the team at Mountain Equipment, we are all so happy that you have completed the journey. It has been a privilege to work with you both these past 5 years. Look forward to seeing you soon!
# David Beukes, February 7th 2014
Congratulations on a massive achievement. It’s been part of my daily routine; following your progress in that hostile environment; yet I don’t think any of us will fully understand what it took to get back.
# Perran, February 7th 2014
A wonderful effort from you both. The fact that it is was so difficult puts Scott’s expedition in a new light and we stand in awe of those brave men and now, in awe of your tenacity in getting them back, so to speak.
# Dave Collinson, February 7th 2014
Congratulations on a terrific achievement. The blog was excellent reading , bringing us armchair polar wannabes as near to the mark as we are ever likely to be. You should be very proud of yourselves .
# MarinaK, February 7th 2014
BBC 1 at 8.45
# Richard Pierce, February 7th 2014
Well, I’ve only just got up after following the last leg of the trip until 1:45 this morning. It’s all too much for a man of my age.
Well done, Ben & Tarka, and your support team. Much respect.
On to the next challenge.
And God Speed on the way home.
# Richione, February 7th 2014
BBC breakfast 8.45 watch
# MarinaK, February 7th 2014
SO GOOD to hear Ben’s voice on the news. Sounded upbeat despite being 25 kgs lighter…
# Ian, February 7th 2014
Well done guys, I am sure that I am simply echoing the thoughts of many when I say I am glad you have been able to complete the journey and enter the record books. However what I am do each day if there is no Ben and Tarka blog to follow<g>
# John Brain, February 7th 2014
Many congratulations. Magnificent achievement. Have followed you every mile of the way and your daily reports have been truly inspiring. Glad you also made it on BBC Breakfast News this morning. Have a great rest, both of you. And a morning as well to remember those great achievements of yesteryear by Scott, Shackleton, Amundsen and others.
# Willie Hannah, February 7th 2014
Ben and Tarka, CONGRATULATIONS. Not a lot else to say, enjoy the rest, no more water boiling, rolling up sleeping bags, clipping into the ski’s for a while !!!!!. What’s next? HOOFING, regards, Willie
# Ian, February 7th 2014
Marvellous, magnificent, epic, etc— congratulations !
# Michal Janouch, February 7th 2014
Congratulations. Only time will show the following performance you’ve ever achieved. Not only for themselves but also for society and nations. Your performance shows the way for others. Perseverance, tenacity, humility. This is what you’ve shown us. You are and will be for many children, young people and followers pattern. This can guard, guarding it.
I remember one phrase from Bydrovy of Arctic Expedition 1928-1929. Dream Big Dare to Fail.
I wish you all the best in life. If you are willing to visit the Czech Republic, we’d love to hear your story. Let me know by e-mail. Once again, congratulations.
# Michal, February 7th 2014
Congratulations. Only time will show the following performance you’ve ever achieved. Not only for themselves but also for society and nations. Your performance shows the way for others. Perseverance, tenacity, humility. This is what you’ve shown us. You are and will be for many children, young people and followers pattern. This can guard, guarding it.
I remember one phrase from Bydrovy of Arctic Expedition 1928-1929 - “Dream Big Dare to Fail”
I wish you all the best in life. If you are willing to visit the Czech Republic, we’d love to hear your story. Let me know by e-mail. Once again, congratulations.
# Ed Stafford, February 7th 2014
Well done mate. Amazing endurance. Colour Sergeant Donald will be a proud man today! :)
# Marcelle Duncan, February 7th 2014
You inspire us all to greatness. Well done!
# Paul Turner, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! We’ve all been following your adventure at Sevenoaks School, Kent.
# David, February 7th 2014
Great to see the news spreading this morning - (having watched live till about 2.00am incase someone popped up on that webcam)
Very well done B&T - safe journey home
# Sheppick, February 7th 2014
Good on ya gentlemen.
Keep on chooglin’
# jan, February 7th 2014
So many words could describe your incredible aceivement and it looks like they have all been said from people all over the wofld.So just a personal thank you to you both for all your fantastic efforts. I will miss your daily reports Soooooo much, so…..what’s next. Well done both. I hope. You enjoy all the accolades coming your way.
# Sarah, February 7th 2014
amazing, huge congratulations!
# Jake and Saskia Meyer, February 7th 2014
So proud of you - an incredible achievement. Years in the making, months in the doing - your journey will join the ranks of history’s greatest. We’ve been with you every step of the way, but can only imagine the hardships and challenges that you’ve faced (despite your amazing and visceral blogging). Also a huge shout out to Andy and the team back home, your families, and your sponsors - From experience, we know that these adventures can only exist with the huge support of your army of followers, and although somewhat less physical, they’ve also had to share in the effort this undertaking. Well done to everyone who has been a part of this trip - whether out on the ice with the boys, or supporting from their desks and armchairs at home - I have no doubt that in their lonely moments, B&T found strength knowing that so many thousands of people were willing their every step and continued success and safety.
Enjoy the spoils of war - the food you’ve craved, conversation with someone other than each other and the embrace of your loved ones. You will never forget such an experience, and I neither will we! Scott would be proud.
# Damian, February 7th 2014
Congratulations both, what an inspirational achievement!
# Nick, February 7th 2014
Legends both of you!
# sue orr, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka. I have loved following your amazing trip from Beijing China. Now wallow awhile in the much deserved glory.
# Louis Manners, February 7th 2014
SO unbelievably ecstatic to read this having just woken up! Unbelievable achievement.
# Nick Middleton, February 7th 2014
# HC, February 7th 2014
EPIC inspiring and simply awesome. Congratulations
# Bill Taylor, February 7th 2014
Thanks for sharing thi with us
# Sally King, February 7th 2014
Ben & Tarka, I’ve been following your progress over the past week - what a phenomenal achievement! So pleased for you.
# Dominic Evans, February 7th 2014
Well Done Mate! Absolutely terrific!
# Steve Jones, February 7th 2014
Ben, Tarka,
Congratulations, I am so pleased for you both, doesn’t begin to cover it.
This has not just been a 105 day epic but more than a decade long quest to make this expedition happen - quite a number of people have dedicated themselves for months and years to making this expedition take place and you two have delivered the goods by working so hard so far for so long. It is a milestone expedition and you deserve every credit, as well as several days in a good restaurant and a week of sleep.
Thank you and acknowledgement to the sponsors who backed you and could see the value in this modern adventure. Thanks to Ben’s brilliant writing and daily updates thousands have joined the story and been captivated by it and it will be interesting to see where the two of you go from here (and I don’t mean Union Glacier, Punta Arenas and Heathrow)!
Very best wishes,
# John Murphy, February 7th 2014
Congrats, boys! Epic, historical achievement.
# Dave, February 7th 2014
Wish I were able to see that BBC report. Maybe sometime later today. In the meantime, I managed to content myself with this:
# Christian C, February 7th 2014
Very many congratulations.
Nice to know that the Brits of today can follow in the footsteps of the Brits from the golden age of exploration.
Just outstanding!
# M Godfrey, February 7th 2014
well done guys! simply amazing what you two and your supports team have achieved! amazing!
Well done!
Will there be a programme or dvd released showing the planning, the traning and the expedition??? please please please do one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Jon Russill, February 7th 2014
Fantastic! Congratulations both of you.
# jamehand, February 7th 2014
Congratulations on an epic achievement! Been following all the way including the build up over the years. Looking forward to listening to the inspirational talks about the expedition in the months to come.
# Don Kisler, February 7th 2014
Congratulations guys. I have followed this blog each morning from northwest Montana. You have achieved an amazing accomplishment. I have no idea what I will look forward to each morning now that you have completed your expedition. I look forward to hearing more of your story.
# Jackson, February 7th 2014
Amazed by your conquest in light if the expedition tweet that you both lost 25 kg or 55 lbs over the trip. Not factoring for any pre loading of weight that means that at 3,500 calories a pound you each were short 1800 calories a day over a 106 day trip. The ability to do what you did under those circumstances is impressive.
# Matt Healy , February 7th 2014
Brilliant job fellas!! Well done!! I will miss the blog but very glad you are safe and sound after such an epic trip. Take care.
# Katy Colman, February 7th 2014
A truly amazing achievement and one you should both be so proud of. Was an emotional journey reading your diary entries so can only imagine what was like to be there living that journey day after day. You’re both an inspiration - congratulations from all of us at Kcom who’ve been following you throughout. Awesome!
# Karen White, February 7th 2014
Huge, huge congratulations to Ben and Tarka for an unimaginable achievement.
So good to hear Ben laughing on the Beeb - amazing there’s any energy left to
do so after so much weight loss - get eating boys!
Thank you, Ben, for your wonderful writing, thanks to Andy and the team for
their gigantic task behind the scenes, and thank you to Land Rover and intel for
believing in these two amazing guys.
# Q, February 7th 2014
Absolutely massive congratulations! Sitting in Doha airport reading your final post and so pumped for you guys - unbelievable courage and strength. Safe journey home.
# Charles, February 7th 2014
Congratulations and well done on the phenomenal and epic feat !
Enjoy a warm bed, good beer and hot showers !
# Gill Blackmore, February 7th 2014
Well done guys job done and in the bank, will miss your daily blogs for sure.
Next a nice hot bath some good food and sleep in soft bed Enjoy !!! you desrve it !!!
Hope we see this on the news tonight would be nice to have that recognition, Gill
# Brendan Smith, February 7th 2014
Real heros!
# Year 5 Oak Orchards Middle School, February 7th 2014
Congratulations on achieving this amazing challenge that no one has ever done before. You have made history!! We look forward to seeing you in the Guinness World Record Books 2015.
# Debbie and Richard, February 7th 2014
Massive congratulations to you both! What an achievement, so happy for you both. Well done! You are truly inspiring.
# Helena, February 7th 2014
BIG BIG CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :-DDDDDDDd
# Sharyle, February 7th 2014
Congratulations on completing Scott’s journey! Your expedition has given us a new understanding of the challenges Scott and the other explorers faced a century ago. What you’ve accomplished is mind blowing. You have proved your incredible endurance and force of will. I’m in awe. Enjoy your well-deserved rest!
# Whistle, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka!! Job well done. I’ve been following your progress every day and am so excited for you and your accomplishment. Now get some rest and recover, and best wishes to you both in the future. God bless!
# Mia Lherpiniere, February 7th 2014
We are one proud family!!!!!!!!
Im so glad your dreams and become a reality. You have made history. Rest well see you soon xxxx
# Cynthia Loebe, February 7th 2014
The strong survive, but the courageous triumph. Incredible journey. Mission accomplished!!
# bee, February 7th 2014
Still cheering wildly!
# Rich/Ione, February 7th 2014
The trip might have had a greater effect that we first thought. Have a rest and a feast.
# cifa, February 7th 2014
# Philip, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka on your truly colossal achievement! It’s been great following your blog and watching all of your videos, providing us all with a privileged insight to your journey. A real testament to the depths and strength of the human spirit, absolutely incredible!
# Intrepid, February 7th 2014
With abandon,
# M.M, February 7th 2014
Hi you guys,
I have been following you in class 4 and have been Inspired by your bravery.
I hope you get home safely and enjoy the worm heating and a nice hot chocolate in your cosy bed . We hope you have had a brilliant time.
Well done for all your hard work
# Lance Enholm, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! Strong work and an incredible accomplishment! I’m in awe of your epic journey!
# Kevin Wright, February 7th 2014
Well done Guys. My prayers have been answered! So pleased you have completed this amazing journey and in a strange way to have felt a part of it with your brilliant blog. Enjoy your well earned rest and some great food! Have a safe journey home to your families and friends? You may need some water wings when you get here though! Keep Going and I look forward to hearing about your next adventure? Kev
# Ronald Tolley, February 8th 2014
Congratulations to Saunders and L’Herpiniere on this expedition. The sheer determination is an example beyond expression. Saunders and L’Herpiniere set a very high bar for thoroughly and openly documenting the pluses and minuses of an expedition. Thanks and congratulations.
# Susan from Michigan, February 8th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka!! It has been such an honor to follow along on such a magnificent journey!!! You have so much to be proud of!!! Time for a celebration!!!!
# Pete Doe, February 9th 2014
Incredibly inspiring to watch this journey unfold - many congratulations from New Jersey!
# Barry Smith, Hamilton New Zealand, February 9th 2014
Having looked up and across the Beardmore in December 1959 and been awestruck as a raw 22 year old I’m blown away by your achievement. Hearty congratulations from and old OAE. And your decision on the 2nd Jan was the right one - “better a live donkey than a dead lion” as someone admirable once said.
# Adam Stanford, February 9th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka. Epic and inspiring journey !
# Chris Wilson, February 9th 2014
You did it! I can hardly begin to express my fulest admiration for the pair of you as a team, and your strength and commitment individually within that, given what you have achieved. You are true heroes of endurance in every sense of the word possible, and you have honoured Scott and his men in the very best way possible.
A wholehearted very well done from me, it has been a privelige to share this with you by reading the blog and thank you both (yes, Tarka included!) for that. Enjoy seeing your family and friends, and reflecting on what you have done - I believe it may take some time!
# McDowell Crook, February 9th 2014
# Naren, February 12th 2014
Incredible. Been a silent follower of your travails and thoroughly enjoyed your reports. Cheers! and i can only guess how the coffee tastes.