the Journey

  • Distance to go: 0 Mi

    Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.

    Distances here are shown in statute miles.

On the Move (Day 14)

Day 14: S78° 46' 30.34", E168° 33' 59.06"

Daily distance: 8.7 Mi

Distance to go: 1704.3 Mi

Altitude: 187 Ft

Due to the poor weather Ben and Tarka have limited power (from the solar panels) so there's no blog post from Ben today. They are however on the move since the storm and covered 8.7 miles on day 14. Providing the weather clears they'll be back online shortly.

In the meantime here's a short video filmed by Ben before he left explaining navigating in a whiteout; and to celebrate a fortnight on the ice vote for your favourite pic so far.


# Elise (5th Grade, GB School, USA), November 8th 2013

Do you guys take naps on the snow?  Good luck!

# Venus (5th Grade, GB School, USA), November 8th 2013

What do you use to shove all the snow off of your tent?  Stay warm!

# Sa'Niya (5th Grade, GB School, USA), November 8th 2013

Do you guys sleep on the snow or do you put something on top of it?  Do you have a heater in your tent?  Good luck!

# Kamoni (5th Grade, GB School, USA), November 8th 2013

How do you take a shower?  Do you?  And not to be too personal, but what do you do about using the restroom?  Stay safe!

# Ed Coats, November 8th 2013

Ben - I heard you speak at the Natural History Museum a couple of years ago about this trip. Interestingly it is a journey I have wnated to do for several years. I think back in 2012 you said in that talk about this expedition whe you had Al Humphreys and Martin Hartley in the team that this would be your first ever time in Antarctica. How are you finding it compared to the North Pole? Do you think your expedition strategy is working? Best of luck to you and Tarks! - Ed

# Scott Expedition Team (Chessie) , November 8th 2013

Lots of wonderful questions, thank you! We’re noting them all down and will come back to you as quickly as poss

# George Chapman, November 8th 2013

I do see you have a lot of questions to answer from the school class. When you have time I have a question for you. If the team was to encounter a serious emergency is there a plan in place for an airdrop or aerial retraction of the team? And who might provide such emergency services? Would that be government such as Coast Guard or some sort of private rescue service?

Following you on FB and Google Earth from sunny Central Florida U.S.A. Todays temperature 78ºF. at 2:00 PM ET.

# Shaun O'Boyle, November 8th 2013

Fantastic journey. I’ve read all the heroic era stories by Scott, Shackleton, Cherry-Garrard, and the newer books as well. Being able to follow your journey live is extraordinary. A question regarding photography - interested in hearing how you are using your cameras, how you carry and store them, problems with them fogging up or condensation problems, if you wear special gloves to take photographs, how you are able to charge batteries, do you store batteries in a warm place. I did read the photography post, but wanted a little more detail.
Cheers, and looking forward to the ascent of the Beardmore.

# George Chapman, November 8th 2013

From my tracking of the expedition on Google Earth I see no movement on 11-8-13. Are they stopped again due to weather or are we having communication problems? Wishing you all well.
Following you on FB and Google Earth from sunny Central Florida U.S.A. Todays temperature 76ºF.

# Kevin Wright, November 9th 2013

Well done guys. Just heard about your expedition. I look forward to following you all the way there and back again. As Robert Swan would say “Keep Going!” Robert inspired me many years ago and now inspires my 3 grandsons by suporting 2041 to help save this very special place. I’m sure your story will inspire many others! I will tick a box when I visit Antarctica myself in March 2015 and I look forward to it each day and your exciting daily updates. Take care. Kev

# Austin Duryea, November 9th 2013

Thank you for having the awesome video for us today. Stay safe and don’t get Lost.
How far are you able to see in front of you in the whiteout?

# Richard Pierce, November 9th 2013

Hope the weather gets better really soon, and for a long stretch of time so that you’re not starting & stopping all the time. God Speed. R

# Mal Owen, November 9th 2013

Just in case you were getting worried like I was….quote from the scottexpeditions facebook page 30 minutes ago…“The storm rolled back in and Ben &Tarka; were tent-bound yesterday…. We’re just sorting an issue with the website and Ben’s day 15 blog should be live shortly”

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