the Journey
Distance to go:
0 Mi
Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.
Distances here are shown in statute miles.
The Final Steps (and Reaching Forward…)

Apologies for the delay in sending this update - it turned out to be a very long day indeed and I've only just had a couple of hours' sleep...
Antarctica seemed livid at the fact we were lying happily in our tent yesterday morning, eating well and contemplating our final few kilometres, and it went furiously about trying to bury us and our few belongings with spindrift, and occasionally as far as trying to shake our tent down and blow it away completely. The wind was gusting to nearly 50 knots, the hiss and spray of the snow hitting the windward end of our shelter sounded like heavy rain on a fast-moving car's windscreen, and erratic, gusts made the taut fabric boom and rumble with an alarming violence. It occurred to me that we were lying almost the precise distance away from Scott Base as Scott lay from One Ton Depot, and I thought of him as I lay there in the storm, trying to keep fear from creeping into my thoughts.
What to tell you of yesterday? We dismantled our green Hilleberg Keron tent -home for fifteen weeks now- in the early evening, as soon as the blizzard seemed to abate a little, and headed on a bearing towards a snow airstrip called William's Field (Willy's Field to the locals) and then on to the rough ice road that links the airfield with Scott Base and McMurdo beyond. We had been given two forecasts that suggested worst weather tomorrow, so we forced ourselves out of our sleeping bags and into the cold air once more. Low cloud and windblown snow blocked our view of almost all of the mountains and volcanoes that surround us, but we caught occasional snatched glimpses of Castle Rock and Observation Hill as we descended towards the sea. The wind came at us from our left, and our light sledges were blown out to our right-hand sides at crazy angles as we leant forwards and shoulder-barged our way into it, staying warm by skiing with short strides and a fast cadence, driving hard with our arms. It was weather that on any other day would have been miserable, but today it brought a grin inside the warm depths of my jacket hood rather than a gritted-teeth grimace; it can't stop us now, I told myself, and it obviously knows it.
After an hour we started to make out the huts and vehicles and flags of Willy's Field, and soon after that we were on the ice road that leads to Scott Base and McMurdo beyond. Skiing well past midnight, on a beautiful hard-packed surface, things started to get surreal. We skied past (and waved at) a fat seal, squirming along the side of the road in the opposite direction. A red US National Science Foundation truck approached us after a few more minutes, and I half-lifted a ski pole as a wave. The driver (Chris, from Charleston, South Carolina) stopped, clambered out and surprised us with an incredibly warm welcome. Thank you Chris; you cheered us up immensely on what was becoming a never-ending plod from flag to flag!
As we rounded the corner towards Scott Base, we could finally see the sea of McMurdo Sound, and hear the (glorious!) sound of waves lapping at the nearby shore. I thought I could make out a figure walking our way, to where the road turned from ice to rock; the transition from sea to land and our finish line for this giant trek. "Wait a minute", said Tarka, "There are a few more coming down the hill". It turned out to be almost the entire crew from Scott Base -and a few others from McMurdo- turning out to wave us over the line, on what was a chilly, windy afternoon. I was expecting a quiet finish, and was totally overwhelmed by the warmth of the reception we had from this wonderful gang.
Emotionally, Tarka and I are still numb and exhausted, and we are doing little more than eating and sleeping around the clock now. That he and I are here at all, at the end of this journey, with an unbroken 1,795-mile looping ski track behind us, is something I owe to an awful lot of wonderful people and companies that have carried on believing in me and in this dream, often for many years, and often when it seemed time and again that all hope of even starting it had been lost. There are too many to list and thank in one blog post, but I want to extend as much gratitude as I can wring out of clumsily-chosen words to Land Rover and Intel for breathing life into this expedition, and for making everything you have read about for the past four months possible. I also want to thank KCOM, Drum Cussac, CF Partners, Mountain Equipment, Bremont, GSK, Hilleberg and Field Notes.
My UK-based team have borne me humbly and tirelessly on their shoulders for so long, and I'm sending my sincerest love and thanks to Andy, Chessie, Tem, Gillie and Ryan. Further afield, I'm indebted to Jerry Colonna, Tony Haile, Al Humphreys, Martin Hartley, Anthony Goddard, Steve Jones (and the entire ALE team), Kate Bosomworth, James Lindeman, Alistair Watkins, Stuart Dyble and Philip Stinson.
Tarka and I are both so thankful to our loved ones and to our friends for being there for us always, and for putting up with us not being there for them for so long.
Lastly, I want to acknowledge my brilliant companion for the past three-and-a-half months of suffering and striving, the inimitable Monsieur L'Herpiniere. He has been reliable to the very end of the world, and to the very limits of endurance; both an anchor and a lighthouse in every storm this expedition has weathered. And even if no one had ever heard about this journey; if we had skied in secret, the chance to spend so long in this man's company is something I'm truly grateful for, and I can only hope that, long after we return home, I can continue to learn from and emulate his indomitable spirit, his stoicism in the face of deep discomfort and struggle, his generous and modest nature, and his remarkable self-reliance. He is, to borrow John Ridgway's highest accolade, a good man.
Right now it's time for more food and sleep, but I'll write again soon. Thank you all so much for following, for thinking of us, and for your messages and comments. With my brain addled and dulled by so much hard physical work and by so little in the way of rest and recovery, it's often been a struggle to do this journey justice in words and I fear I've fallen short on many occasions, but I hope you've enjoyed the story. Perhaps the best line I can think of to end on today is a piece of advice Tarka gave me several weeks ago on improving my skiing technique, but it's something that holds true for pretty much everything in life: "With each step, try to reach a bit further forward than you think you can".
# Brendan Smith, February 7th 2014
B&T: You have been an inspiration to us all! Thank you for sharing your journey with us and for honoring the memory of Captain Scott and his men. Enjoy some much deserved rest and get home to your loved ones safely.
# Matt Godfrey, February 7th 2014
Simply amazing.You two are the top dogs! Raise a glass not only to yourselves and your team but to scott and his party for thier brave efforts of hardship and endurance on their ill fated journey.
I salute you both!
I guess the question is, where to next???
# Richard Pierce, February 7th 2014
In tears, in Suffolk. R
# T.g, February 8th 2014
good work
# Nansen, February 16th 2014
I share your tears. That this expedition achieved so much, but still failed to achieve the goal of unsupported status, will always overshadow this feat. It is a good, yet not ultimate achievement. The great question of whether a man can undertake this journey without resupply remains unanswered.
# Kevin Shannon, February 7th 2014
Been following the journey both on and off the ice for many years and happy to see you guys reach the finish!
# Josh Eastburn, February 7th 2014
Well done, Ben and Tarka. What an incredible achievement. Thanks for taking us along on your journey.
# James Lindeman, February 7th 2014
Absolutely outstanding! Congratulations on an extraordinary expedition. I’m amazed at how you’ve been able to gather your thoughts and share the journey with us alongside everything else. Honoured and proud.
# Hamish, February 7th 2014
Ben, Tarka, Congratulations from all of us here at Mountain Equipment. One of history’s great polar journeys. Well done
# Mark Nichols, February 7th 2014
An absolutely stunning accomplishment. I’m gobsmacked. I have read and re-read every word about this expedition. Adventure is truly alive and well. Ben and Tarka have honored the memory of Captain Scott and his men, and have set the bar for perseverance for all time.
# CaninesCashews, February 7th 2014
Ok so I though I had done all my crying… apparently not.
“...He is, to borrow John Ridgway’s highest accolade, a good man.”
# Claudia Tynes, February 7th 2014
Thanks be to God!
# marinak, February 7th 2014
Ben: Eloquent to the end. Beautifully written blog. The tears roll down my cheeks for the umpteenth time! Tarka: I assume you have also been writing your book in your head during those long days skiing. I for one look forward to anything either of you write…
# cifa, February 7th 2014
Inspirational - I am blown away by this achievement!!
Many thanks for an extraordinary journey.
I have loved every minute/blog!!
Cheers to you both.
# Jason Unruh, February 7th 2014
If anything was ever truly “epic” your journey is it. Congratulations!
# Richard Pierce, February 7th 2014
I thought I could just shrug it off,
from one day to the next,
a story, a place, another quest done,
tick the box, move on.
It’s impossible.
I was there, years ago,
steeped in the legend and myth
of endeavour, exploration and dignity,
companionship, friendship, faith.
There are never enough words.
The white, the shades of white,
the inside of a tent, recreated each night now
under the duvet, eyes closed,
a profusion of crosses for the lost.
Men died walking this path,
this incomplete journey,
a century from here.
They watched you yesterday.
And the continent, still hungry,
devours men and women still,
in body and mind.
We are all changed
by The Ice.
# Mal Owen, February 7th 2014
Your best yet :-)
# Richard Pierce, February 7th 2014
Thanks, Mal. Very kind. R
# Andrea, February 7th 2014
This expedition, is an advance in the human species. We have been, now, also in the nature that exists on the South Pole of the Earth, dialoguing with the matter.
“With each step”, inner and outer, either a bit further, either a bit better conforming to ours ideas
“Not a bad way to make a life”, indeed. Admirable expedition.
# Ariane, February 7th 2014
Immortals among men! We bow down before you.
(And what will become of us devoted Followers? The limericks, the limericks, alas!)
Huge admiration, congratulations, and love from Berlin-
# Adam, February 7th 2014
Congratulations gentlemen! While we’ll never be truly able to appreciate how truly difficult the past 100 days have been, we have certainly enjoyed living vicariously through your blog and are honestly quite sad that the adventure has come to a close.
I look forward to reading about your next adventure!
# Louis Manners, February 7th 2014
Such an inspiration to so many.
# Mal Owen, February 7th 2014
I cry.
# Mal Owen, February 7th 2014
I can’t write what I actually said when I read that.
# Callie, February 7th 2014
Such an inspirational journey…. truly in the footsteps of history - but reaching far beyond to accomplish such a grand advendure. You had me on the edge of my seat for weeks and I am so glad you both made it safely over the finish line!
# David Bazinet, February 7th 2014
Ben & Tarka,
Congrats (from Canada) to both of you for this ‘exceptionnelle aventure’ and I can’t thank you enough for the chance you gave us to be part of it! We will miss the daily report…;-)
Bon repos et bon retour!
David B.
# Heidi, February 7th 2014
In tears and in awe in California. Your words never fall short.
# Dražen, February 7th 2014
A Few Good Men…
# Suri and Rekha, February 7th 2014
I didn’t even notice my tears coming down.I personally learned so much from your journey. Not only you Ben Tarka, I too remember these 3 months for my whole life.
# Melissa, February 7th 2014
Beautiful post. Thank you. I will miss your updates (stellar prose, good humor, adventure), but I’m relieved you’ve safely reached your goal. Congratulations from the mountains of Colorado! I look forward to the TED Talk and the book. There will be a book, right?!
# Matt (Minnesota), February 7th 2014
Got’er done!
# Suri and Rekha, February 7th 2014
I didn’t even notice my tears coming down. Ben and Tarka, I too remember these three months for my whole life and we personally learned so much from your journey.
- Suri
# Jennifer, February 7th 2014
L’chaim to two of the most beautiful people on the planet. I’m teaching my children about you, who have become memorized by what you’ve accomplished. However, they’re not escaping regular bathing! But you’ve inspired us all to push beyond our comfort zones, not just to dream, but to carry out those dreams. Who knows what incredible inventions and creations you have inspired? Ben and Tarka, you richly deserve every accolade that warmly embraces you.
# Kat, February 7th 2014
A beautiful post, beautiful pictures, I am very moved. Happy at such a happy ending! Thank-you so much for sharing your thoughts in these heart-felt posts.It’s an incredible experience for all us who are following to be able to get so close to the experience. It’s an incredible gift. Hurray!
# mikef, February 7th 2014
Please let me add my late congratulations. Well done gentlemen, well done! Thank you for allowing me and all the others to be part of your journey. It’s been an excellent ride!
# Paul Adams, February 7th 2014
Brilliant ! Congratulations to you, Tarka and the team.
# Helena, February 7th 2014
What a great picture of you two crossing the border of ice into a real surface, what an awesome snap! You both made me cry now, awesome job, you are such heroes!! :-)))))))
# Doug Neff, February 7th 2014
Congratulations, Ben and Tarka!
So happy to hear of your safe and glorious return! Thinking of you both all day yesterday, eagerly awaiting each bit of news, and both relieved and overjoyed to hear of the finish line. Friends, family, and co-workers have been hearing a lot about your expedition these past months, and they all share in my joy for you both.
I have to admit, though, to being a little sad knowing that I won’t have a daily Ben and Tarka update to look forward to each morning.
Looking forward to your TED talk, Ben, and to wherever the next adventure takes you.
Thank you both!
# Ruth Jewell, February 7th 2014
So hungry for your words, knowing you had finished safely, I thank you for filling me once again with all things wonderful, no doubt being exhausted. As with so many the tears are streaming down my face once again, it is you and Tarka we need to thank. You have carried us all along with you and made us part of your fantastic journey, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. xxx
# Sarah Bradley, February 7th 2014
Tarka and Ben,
Congratulations on a truly remarkable achievement. Pushing the boundaries of what’s possible is a lesson and an inspiration to us all.
Enjoy some well-deserved rest, and all the foods you’ve been dreaming of!
Well done too to your support team - Andy in particular - congratulations to you all.
# Alan, February 7th 2014
# Karen, February 7th 2014
Bravo, Ben! Bravo, Tarka! Ben, I’ve read and watched from NYC. Terribly chuffed for you (to use Brit speak). Chuffed indeed. This has been a long time in the works and a huge accomplishment. x
# Martin Jansen, February 7th 2014
I just got home from a get-together on the occasion of my best friend having obtained his doctoral degree in maths. I’m immensely proud of him because I have been around for all the years he has put into this and I know how much hard work it has been. On a different but vaguely similar level I’m awfully proud of you guys for that all of your hard labour and preparations have finally paid off.
You may not be the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to differential equations, but then again my doctor friend also cannot pull a sledge three times his weight. Regardless of that, all three of you have given their absolute best to achieve something truly outstanding. Tonight I’ll not only be raising my glass to my friend but also to you, Ben and Tarka. Well done!
P.S. I’m forever grateful that you (and this whole Internet thing) let us take part in your endeavor for the past 106 days. I think I’m gonna miss those daily updates from Antarctica. :-)
# Robert, February 7th 2014
Tarka & Ben,
For the last 105 days here in NYC the first thing I do upon awakening is read this blog. I cannot tell you how much you have inspired me to keep going when there is ‘nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
Every time I thought about giving up on something, no matter how small, I would think about you two. I would tell myself, ‘they are walking 26 miles toady in the most inhospitable place on earth, the least I can do is go to the gym! ‘
I will miss these daily updates and Ben’s brilliant writing. Looking forward to the Ted talk and following Ben and Tarka on their next adventure.
Rest well, eat and replenish your strength in the knowledge that you have achieved something monumental and have inspired many along the way.
# Kevin Wright, February 7th 2014
Hi Robert
I guess following their blog has brought back so many memories for you!
Like you I was inspired by Robert Falcon Scott and again by yourself much later in life . I was then living in Kirkby Stephen, and now my 3 grandchildren are getting inspired. It’s amazing what Ben and Tarka have achieved and how there keeping our all our great Antarctic Explorers memories alive! All the best and keep up the great work with 2041. Kev
# David Atzori, February 7th 2014
Congratulations from Italy,
you are great inspirers and you made me dream for so many days and I was very good also for this reason.
This helps me to still believe that we can achieve and realize our ideals and life plans.
thanks again.
Davide Atzori
# Dave, February 7th 2014
Love, love, love the picture of the two of you stepping off the ice. Way beyond ‘suitable for framing’. I’m not surprised at the welcome you received from the locals. Few appreciate better than they do the magnitude of your achievement.
Safe return to the “northern six”
# Rachel Barenblat, February 7th 2014
Ben and Tarka—Congratulations!!! What an amazing accomplishment. The vastness of what you two have accomplished brings tears to my eyes. It has been an honor and a privilege to be able to read along with, and catch glimpses of, your extraordinary journey. I think back to when I was reading Ben’s updates from the solo ski across the North Pole attempt—foiled, if memory serves, by a whole lot of open water—and it is amazing to me that you have come this far, that you have done this incredible thing, and that I have been fortunate enough to read about it in realtime. I wish the two of you every blessing!
# Louise Higginbottom, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben (and Tarka); its been a while since I sponsored mile 2, and at least this time you have not had to mend your gloves with dental floss.
Another great journey completed.
# Lauren, February 7th 2014
This is truly spectacular! Wishing for you both a protracted welcome replete with hugs,cheersing, back slaps, speedy recoveries, loads of love from your people, lots of delicious meals, massages, dog pats and nice, indoor weather! Will you be blogging for a little while longer? I myself am curious as to how your next few days will be—well, weeks actually! Or shall we follow your twitter?
# Allison & Mark, February 7th 2014
Truly AWESOME. I knew very little about Scott’s journey until I met you. To be able to write such graphic words and to impart your inner most feelings during this phenominal journey, has been a great education to me and to many others. Ben and Tarka, you are an inspiration to us all.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
I shall miss reading about your exploits each morning…....where to next?
Kindest regards
Allison & Mark
# Margaret & Simon, February 7th 2014
Both dumbstruck in awe, respect and thanks to you, Ben, Tarka and the team for reaching this great moment in history.
# Darcy, February 7th 2014
Brings tears to my eyes. I’m moved by the goal and perseverance it took to make it happen. You two are total inspiration.
# Kerry Keierleber, February 7th 2014
Absolutely fantastic! Congratulations from Illinois, USA. I stumbled upon your story through TED and have been following your journey- what an amazing inspiration. Thank you, thank you so much for sharing!
# sue and noodle, February 7th 2014
Robert Burns= The Bard=1759-1796
Whether thy soul soars fancy’s flights beyond the Pole,
Or darkling grubs this earthy hole, in low pursuit;
Know, prudent, cautious, self control,
Is wisdom’s root.
Job well done.
Safe home.
# Rivka, February 7th 2014
Amazing and well done!
Thank you for sharing the trip.
# Ellie Scourse, February 7th 2014
Ben and Tarka,
I’ve followed your journey since the beginning and haven’t commented yet. Mainly because I never seem to be able to find the right words about how amazing your trip is and how incredibly inspirational I’ve found it personally. Thank you so much for sharing it with us all. There must have been days when you really didn’t feel like writing or blogging, but you did anyway - and it really did make for wonderful an riveting reading. Get some sleep and enjoy some non-freeze dried food! Thanks again. Ellie
# Janet Stanley , February 7th 2014
Richard , likewise. Cannot say how much these words have moved me & to write so eloquently after your last hard slog,well done & congrats :)
# Rivka, February 7th 2014
These words are huge and most inspirational.
We got to witness an incredible adventure and also got to take away applied bits of wisdom…….
“With each step, try to reach a bit further forward than you think you can”.
# angie athanassiades, February 7th 2014
It is we who should be thanking both of you. You have offered inspiration and shown a level of determination, spirit and sportsmanship that is so rare in our day. You have, if but for a while, lifted us all with you above the cynicism and self-centredness we spend our every day in. Thank you and thank you so much for your wonderful post. It made me cry and I feel so, so happy and proud of you! xx
# George Martin, February 7th 2014
Absolutely amazing achievement, huge respect for completing such an epic expedition!
Big thanks for all the blog posts, it’s been seriously inspirational following the daily updates!
# Duncan Slater, February 7th 2014
Well done boys!
# André Lambert, February 7th 2014
Massive congrats!
All the best,
# Paul, February 7th 2014
So glad you are back safely. When’s the movie due for release?
# Rebecca, February 7th 2014
I swore to myself that I wouldn’t make any more comments on this site after the thrilling ride last night, but… your post today has moved me to tears: the description of the final hours, your generous well-deserved regard for Tarka, and your heartfelt thanks to your family, friends, and followers. Thank you so much for sharing your experience as much as you were able here. My heartiest congratulations to you and Tarka and the rest of your team! I look forward to your next adventure, though, honestly, I can’t think anything will ever surpass this one.
# Class 4, February 7th 2014
Dear Ben and Tarka,
Class 4 at St Martin’s Primary School, Folkestone have been following your journey and we have been inspired by your bravery and the way in which you completed it with little equipment. We would like to say a big congratulation on finishing. You have inspired us in our learning and we have written poems and made our own TV news reports about you both.Hope you enjoy a well deserved rest! We would love it if you could visit our school to see our work!
From class 4
# Kevin Wright, February 7th 2014
Hi Glass 4,
I’m pretty sure these guys will make every effort to visit you and tell you their story. One of their Patrons Robert Swan has done this for a living ever since becoming the first man to reach both poles. Check Robert out and his charity 2041 on line and how he inspires young people all over the world to help save the worlds last great wilderness. Anne Kershaw who supports Robert behind the scenes will tell you all about it and how you can get involved. I’m lucky enough to set off to Antarctica my self next year and I have already been asked to sheer with some local schools as it truly is a magical place! Keep Going as Robert would say! Kev.
# Brian Jarvis, February 7th 2014
Congratulations on your achievement! Your endurance was an inspiration for me very day of your expedition. I’m glad you are safely back and hope that you will be reunited with your loved ones very soon.
# Intrepid, February 7th 2014
While tears are falling… How utterly amazing the two of you are! Gentlemen. Both of you! A duo that has ... reached for so much. You have reached into the pockets of the past, are inter-generational inspirational, have brought forth incentive for new endeavors, and by golly ... have four feet’dly taken Antarctica by storm!!
Congratulations Ben and Tarka!!!
May you always remember, a journey is measured in friends. May you always stride with each other, forward!
Onward Ho!!
# Paul Hunnisett, February 7th 2014
Congratulations on a magnificent achievement. History made and a lifetime friendship forged. Not too bad a return!
# michael pianin, February 7th 2014
You are my heros! Congrats, beautiful story
# Uncle Pete, February 7th 2014
I’ll put it this way:
That’ll do Boys, that’ll do
(and thank you Andy Lawrence for perfect translation!)
Well done the two of you, steadfast until the end despite that continent’s desperate grasp.
A bit late here due to IT access in Malawi, but congratulations from my family and also on behalf of the other volunteers and staff at Lillongwe Wildlife Centre who are truly impressed with your trip, though I suspect they would not put it on the Gap Year choices!
Hope you get a good flight back tomorrow and are able to quench your steak cravings!
I also hope there will be some sort of post forum to forge the links between the incredibly loyal band of commenteers and let them understand some of the intricacies and problems so future explorers can learn from them. For now this has surely to be the Trek of the Century, well done and thanks for safe deliverance. Pete
# Pig, February 7th 2014
I’m feeling slighted.
# Nora Wolfe, February 7th 2014
Richard, what a gift you have. I wish I had something so precious to share with Ben and Tarka. To say thank you is such a small thing, I wish I could do grander. Ben and Tarka you will live in my imagination for the rest of my life. I am rich in memories today. Thank you.
# Richard Pierce, February 7th 2014
Thank you. I am humbled.
Writing is the only thing I’m any good at.
# Damian Harris , February 7th 2014
Guys it’s has been nothing short of a pleasure and priveledge to have followed you on your journey.
I, along with many others across the world, have tuned in every day without fail to read your utterly inspiring and fascinating blogs.
We have shared your joys, your little victories, your heartaches and your frustrations and though we were not with you physically we were most definately with you in spirit,urging you on and hoping for your safe and successful return.
You should be exceptionally proud of your achievement as you have worked so very hard for it.
My congratulations also go to the team behind you as without them, of course, none of this would have been possible.
I’m also sure that wherever they are, Scott and his team are equally proud of you for finally completing what they set out to do so many years ago.
Once again, thank you for taking us along with you.
# Rich/Ione, February 7th 2014
Just spoke to Tarka’s mum Thea who was having a glass of champagne. That sounded like such an exceedingly good idea that we are about to do likewise. Cheers to both Tarka and Ben and the team.
# Tron, February 7th 2014
well done! Good luck topping this one!
# Tassos, February 7th 2014
I have followed every single one of these amazing 106 days, sitting in my kitchen in sunny Cyprus, reading your blog before lunch every day. It has been inspiring to watch you guys achieve your lifelong dream through sheer willpower. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your unbelievable experience with us.
# Richard Hellen, February 7th 2014
Congratulations guys.Your little jaunt, and the unfolding of this fabulous, emotional, gutsy, occasionally frustrating, story these past months will stay with me for years to come. Inspiring stuff. I’m looking forward to that TED talk and, hopefully, the world tour ;-)
# Dave T, February 7th 2014
Good lads, well done!
# Judy in North Carolina, February 7th 2014
Ben and Tarka:
As with the rest of your journey, your enduring eloquence under duress and exhaustion has no competition. I find myself a little sad knowing it has ended, but it will be easier now to get things done rather than ask hubby to cook dinner while the tracker updates (last night). I must say I have been as fixated as if this were another grandchild being born!
Bless you both, rest well and thank you for letting us ride along.
# Jo, February 7th 2014
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! I’m going to miss your daily updates…
# Jarda, February 7th 2014
Many thanks to all people who enabled us to follow all steps of Ben and Tarka, many thanks to Ben and Tarka that they were allways ready to share their hard struggle in Antarctica with many people worldwide…
As for me this journey belongs to three most amazing and hardest journeys within Antarctic exploration, together with Shackleton´s Nimrod expedition and Scott´s last journey.
# DC, February 7th 2014
Ben, a wonderful acknowledgement to Tarka, you have truly accomplished the impossible and pushed human endurance to the limit. Your success is due not only to your extra ordinary mental and physical capacity but your exceptional synergism. Very sadly and I suspect an oversight on behalf of BBC and ITV today on the national news, there was only one reference to Tarka who was described as a “French Camera man” !!! Well done now look after yourselves and keep up the daily blogs PLEASE
# Judy Judge, February 7th 2014
So glad Tarka and Ben that you are safe and sound.
Your journey has been truly inspirational.
# Bob Miller, February 7th 2014
Well done - a brilliant journey wonderfully documented. It was great to be able to read your blogs and understand a little of what you were going through. The down-beat blogs probably told the story even better than the ones where things were going well.
I’m glad you’re both safe and able to relax now, and I hope the burger is as good as you’ve been imaging it to be!
# Dave, February 7th 2014
My beard is doomed.
# Phil, February 7th 2014
Curiously, it seems hardly any time ago since I was reading the blog posts in the first few days - with daily mileages of 6 or 7 - and thinking, “This is going to be hard.” Well, I guess you found out….... After many months of reading all the accounts by Shackleton, Scott, Cherry -Garrard, and Mawson from the Heroic Age, it has been really wonderful to follow the journey every day and get an even more personal view of what it feels like. Thanks so much.
# Craig, February 7th 2014
Ben, having followed your blog, with bated breath from start to finish, I am, along with many other blog followers, in awe of both your achievements and as you neared the final hurdle, I was camped out in my heated living room (sorry lads) with TV on all the news channels, the computer was locked on to ‘Blog’ up-dates, and the radio tuned in but, when I finally caught the national news, unfortunately, it was with great dismay and disbelief!! Their report on this heroic duo achievement appeared to be a “solo” trek, with no mention whatsoever of Tarka. I have to seriously question the PR side of this so called ‘team’ and Tarka I feel deserved his name to be mentioned alongside Ben, all be it Ben’s expedition. If this small faux pas affected me personally, I can only imagine how upset his immediate loved ones must feel at this apparent omission to Tarka’s name, to date, in the national media. Without whom, we are fully aware, this journey would not have been completed!
A last thought is to reflect upon some of the blogs which mentioned Tarka who selflessly pulled at times a little more than his equal share of provisions during this epic odyssey. I would have loved to see the surprise on Tarka’s face when this ‘Foreign Camera Man’ appeared slipping stealthily out of his Pulk at the end of the trip to capture the moment for posterity…………………… no wonder Tarkas sledge was so heavy carrying this French stowaway!
Shame on the PR team for this ‘apparent’ or am I alone in my thoughts. DC quoted above seems to share a similar wavelength or does the picture taken together sum up the trip. Maybe this will be rectified in the next few days……………..maybe?
# Andrea, February 7th 2014
A complaint at whitch to subscribe. Maybe this superficiality is corrigible.
# Octarine, February 8th 2014
Although aware that others were originally on board and Tarka was a relatively late replacement, I too am upset at the apparent omission of recognition of his phenomenal endeavours, without which this unsurpassable achievement would not have been possible. No disrespect to Ben intended here, who undoubtedly fought long and hard to obtain the sponsorship to get the expedition off the ground. Ben’s sponsors please take note that Ben could not have succeeded in his endeavours without Tarka, his equally heroic companion. Thank you to Ben for your accolades given to Tarka.
May I also add my immense CONGRATULATIONS to both Ben and Tarka on your accomplishment of such an incredible, astounding exploit. You have both lived, recreated and brought Scott’s Terra Nova expedition vividly to life for me. Ever since viewing Scott Of The Antarctic at primary school in the 1960s, which made a profound impression on me, I have been entranced by Antarctica and Scott’s journey .
A HUGE well done and thank you for such a fascinating insight provided through your indescribable blog and videos that I have religiously pursued for the past year or so. Your courage,determination and perseverance through the most unimaginable challenging conditions cannot be comprehended or commended enough.
# dj, February 8th 2014
1- There needs to be no mere “opinion” referenced here. The data speaks for itself. Count the number of names, read what was delivered in the press, count the “column inches” devoted to the “Tarka” subject—they all speak for themselves—it is what it is.
2- It is true that NEARLY ALL the limelight has been focused on Ben from his “crew.” Most PR messages from them relate: “Ben phoned in,” “Ben has moved,” etc.. They did use a lot of “they’s”; but, could Ben have used Tarka’s name more? Yes. Could the PRs have been more “balanced?” Yes. However, in fairness:
3- Much, and if the truth be told - most, of the anonymity surely was of Tarka’s own making. Even at this late date we really have no clue exactly what the mechanisms were for posting the blogs - whether they were relayed by email for Andy/Andrew/whoever to post or whether Ben actually hit “post” from his computer to put it live (doubtful). However, I remember that Tarka was literally “begged” then coerced to write some of this thoughts for weeks before he finally relented; and then, it never happened again. Was he prohibited or discouraged from doing so? I doubt it. To me it seemed he wanted his privacy and anonymity and made sure it happened.
Was either of the methods wrong? No. Ben and Tarka are clearly motivated by different values, priorities and agendas. And, I can see why when Ben does speak gratefully about Tarka, it’s not with the tinkling and perfunctory: “we really thank” used for Land Rover and Intel etc. but rather with the booming, yet solemnly-understated : “He’s a good man.”
Even midst the cacophony that is erudition, recognition, acclaim, limelight - Ben is, as are we, internally aware enough to recognize a “man of integrity”(the highest valuation that can be given a man’s character here in the west). Recognize, as he has admitted, in some quite important aspects his better.
4- In this thing, is for all of us, the test of our own nature: to break free of self-interest, glitz, hype, self-gratification, arrogance and pride enough to actually recognize the presence, and worth of, the quiet, unassuming, self-directed, outwardly-focused traits and habits making up - integrity.
From my observation, albeit only from a great distance, respect is much, much more a reward for Tarka than recognition and accolades.
# Scott Expedition Team, February 9th 2014
It’s amazing to hear the emotion generated by Ben and Tarka’s journey. But please be reassured there is no issue, and no need to create one here. Tarka’s wish is to retain his anonymity as far as possible. Leaving Ben with responsibility of using his powerful words to share their story with the world. I’m sure you’ll agree we all feel very lucky to have been a part of it. Please respect the way that they - together - have chosen to tell it.
# Scott Expedition Team, February 9th 2014
And Craig - yes - the picture of the two of them together does sum it up. This an outstanding team effort. Ben, Tarka and any member of our team (in fact, anyone following their journey) would be the first to say it! I hope this puts your mind at rest - please do feel free to email.
# Luke Brown, February 7th 2014
Congrats guys and thanks for the all the updates. You have both been truly inspiring, even for those of us in more comfortable environs. We leave the house emboldened.
# Gavin Keeble, February 7th 2014
An incredible feat Ben and Tarka - and what a line to end with - possibly the most inspirational line I’ve ever read. Thanks to both of you.
# Emma, February 7th 2014
Woop woop! WOOP WOOP!!
I hope your well-wishers greeted you with big juicy cheeseburgers at the finish line!
# Kevin Wright, February 7th 2014
Hi Guys, Congratulations on your world breaking achievement and for keeping the memory of Scott and his team alive. Tonight I will open a very special bottle of Shackleton’s Whisky and raise a glass or two to you both. We’ve been looking forward to this moment and now our own expedition trip to Antarctica next year. Nothing as special as yours but really looking forward to camping on the ice! If I was you I’d relax and enjoy the worlds last great wilderness and maybe plan your next trip! Well no point rushing home as it’s still bloody raining here. Snow is so much better! Thanks for the blog and the fantastic way you’ve kept us all entertained and updated. In away I think we’ve all felt a little part of your extraordinary journey. Take care Ben and Tarka, Cheers and Keep Going! Kev
# Ferdia and Naoise, February 7th 2014
Many congrats to you both from the West of Ireland. I have been reading your blog to my two youngest boys; Ferdia 9 and Naoise 7, as part of their bedtime story since Christmas. They have been mesmerised by your endeavours. Thanks for allowing us to share in your epic journey.
# Andrew, February 7th 2014
Congratulations to you both!!!!! I’ve followed your journey and I’m inspired by it. Not that I would do such a thing, but the fact that you stuck with it, you dealt with the supreme challenges and you worked through it all together is an amazing, wonderful story. Sleep, eat, bath, rest, relax and enjoy yourselves for a while. And thank you!
# Ty McClelland, February 7th 2014
You, Gentlemen, are Heroes.
Tears and Cheers
Eat and Rest
# Eric, February 7th 2014
Well done!
# Mark Jones, February 7th 2014
Many congratulations. I’ve been following your daily progress and have very much enjoyed taking your journey with you from the comfort of my armchair. I’ve been a Scott fan since I was 6 (I’m now 41) and in my teens planned on doing exactly what you’ve now done to mark the 100th anniversary. Of course I didn’t do it but so glad someone else has! Absolutely brilliant stuff. Please write a book about it all, it is a story for posterity. Very well done.
# Phil Satoor, February 7th 2014
I’m sure many of us watched in fascination last night as that little red dot on our Google Earth map edged closer and closer to Ross Island. Sometimes it paused and we wondered why and then the explanation came that it would be you putting up the tent or taking a short rest. But now we read your blog and the flesh is put on the bones of your track and all is made clear. I think we all felt relief when the dot finally stopped on dry land - you had done it, and a few moments later we heard that you were safe and sound.
You say that your writing has fallen short but I’ve devoured every word of your blogs, which I’ve enjoyed immensely and enjoy rereading which is a good sign. Your writing is every bit as good as Cherry-Garrard’s in his “Worst Journey”, a book I’ve read many times.
Finally you reach the kernel of your expedition, your companion Tarka L’Herpiniere, your friend. It’s very easy with all these social websites to click on an icon and a get new “friend”. But I’ve found true friends are very few and far between but when you do find one, they’re like gold. You are wise to realise you’ve struck a rich seam here.
I hope to read any books that you or Tarka write and perhaps follow your future adventures. Very few of us can do what you do, but we can have our own small journeys into the unknown, and then come home and read about the big ones. Good luck for the future.
# John Brain, February 7th 2014
Magnificent achievement.
I have read many many of the previous accounts, Scott, Shackleton, Evans, Mawsom, Fuchs, Mears, Worsley, Avery etc. - all of them great achievements and thrilling reads. But what has been unique about this account has been to be able to read it as it is actually happening. And a bonus has been your ability to write so eloquently, especially given your frequent exhausted state.
The journey was stupendous. The writing was, and is, a triumph.
# Richard McGehee, February 7th 2014
Simply magnificent!
Just caught the broadcast on BBC news.
Happy trails to you from Kentucky.
# Jill, February 7th 2014
Congratulations from the deck of RRS Discovery in Dundee. What a tremendous achievement!
# Iain Denley, February 7th 2014
A truely epic achievement, been gripped reading the blog each day. Ben and Tarka, you should be immensely proud of what you have proved is possible and to bring it to a much wider audience.
This is a truely epic expedition.
# Saskatchewan, February 7th 2014
Well done guys - Respect and great effort.
I just hope that all that effort raises monies for a suitable charity and towards educating our younger generation and not just for your own egos…
# AlisonP, February 8th 2014
Ben and Tarka, I do not have sufficient words for how happy I am for you two, and how awed and inspired I am. You have succeeded and made it into the history books!! And yet again today the blog had me in tears. I wish I could have been there too with all those cheering people from the base to see you two completing your epic and amazing journey. Thank you for giving me such a thrilling, and sometimes nerve-wracking, armchair adventure story every morning for the last several months. While this was the last blog of the skiing part, I hope that you will continue to write in the blog about the return home. And I too, as so many others have done, encourage you to write a book about the adventure!
# Sheila England, February 8th 2014
Congratulations on an incredible achievement!!!!!!!!!
I will so miss these posts, but I am so happy you are safely done (esp.without last minute broken bones!) Enjoy those comfy chairs and a decent cups of coffee .
Cheers guys!
# Joel t minnesota, February 8th 2014
I have been silently following since you started and I have to say congrats. Small words and maybe used to often but what you have done is amazing. I look forward to more but am glad that you have let so many of us listen in on your journey.
# clawingthruthepack, February 8th 2014
Just brfilliant.
# Ralph Thomas, February 8th 2014
Hello,Ben and Tarka ,
first of all ,congratulations for your successful expeditiion .The world is proud of you ,so i am.
I wish you an unforgetable party and finally a real bed ,a real chair ,a real warm shower,and a tasty and commode dinner at a warm fire place.You guys really deserve it.
I was an really interessted follower since i read the article in our newspaper in mid october of 2013 when you startet your trip.I hope i will hear some new adventures of you in the future.
Thank you for the the time i could spend with your reports.
Best wishes and reguards from Ralph Thomas ,near Cologne Germany.
# Mary Modroo, February 8th 2014
Way. To. Go.
# Intrepid, February 8th 2014
Reaching farther, stretching further, growing beyond what has settled into being, and to let come, is a really good way to live. Equally important is living without having to fill up every indomitable point in the space of our minds with something. Sometimes it’s just good to let be. These ways of going about living are not at odds, they are simply expressions of what is important ... as that which is always right in front of you. Always turn towards resistance and reach forward. We are all on a journey, pushing the limits of what we might be willing to not let happen.
Dear Ben and Tarka,
The last few months were remarkably satisfying. Reading and responding to your daily posts created the experience of indirect involvement in your journey. It was absolutely, with utter abandon, wonderful!! With the greatest of respect and the deepest of care,
In salutation to your accomplishments,
Make it always a safe trip home.
# Don Kisler, February 8th 2014
Ben and Tarka congratulations on your amazing accomplishment . I have been following your journey each morning from my home here in the northwest corner of Montana. Each morning I have eagerly looked forward to your daily posting and now I will feel a sense of loss that your expedition is finished. I cannot imagine how you did what you did but it is truly a testament to your tenacity and skill that is beyond even the greatest of athletes anywhere in the world. I look forward to reading more about your feat when you make it available in the future. Thank you for the fantastic blog.
Don Kisler
# Sharyle, February 8th 2014
Congratulations to both of you on your magnificent achievement! It’s been a privilege to read the blog and watch your progress. Ben, you are an eloquent writer. Wonderful postings even when you were exhausted. Thank you for letting us follow along vicariously. You are both my heroes. Cheers from Florida!
# Anton Uhl, February 8th 2014
Congratulations and thank you from the depths of our hearts for finding the courage and taking the time to share so much of your incredible journey with the rest of the world!
Though you have inspired so many of us for so long with your bravery, imagination and generosity of spirit, may this victory be yours to enjoy, to fill your own hearts and to carry you through the rest of your days with joy and grace, dear Ben and Tarka.
# bee, February 8th 2014
Fabulous…congratulations on this amazing achievement.
I, like so many others, will miss your daily posts.
Thank you again for taking us along on this adventure.
Wishing you safe travels on your journey home back to your loved ones.
# Jörg, February 8th 2014
YEEEEHHAAAA!!!!! You did it!!
# Barbara B from Clinton, CT USA, February 8th 2014
Welcome home, Ben and Tarka.
# Nick Webb, February 8th 2014
I’m going to miss my visits to the Antartic almost everyday…..modern technology has made it possible to almost feel like we were close by. This is a one off achievement (until your next I’m sure) and you guys are like superheroes out there… need to hear this story! Well done chaps and enjoy the celebrations!
# Josue, February 8th 2014
Well done !
# Geoff Harper, February 8th 2014
So utterly inspirational.
# Marcel from Amsterdam, February 8th 2014
Congratulations! Followed your amazing trek almost from the start. Can’t believe you made it across the cold and oxygen deprived high plateau. Let this one stand for another 100 years.
# Philip de Roo, February 8th 2014
Ben & Tarka,
CONGRATULATIONS! It is fantastic what you both did. Really prout of you guy’s!
Thanks for keeping charing your blogs. Enjoi all the food and the good moments now.
Very best regards and a deep curtsey from the Netherlands
Philip de Roo
# Thea, February 8th 2014
Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.
I am so grateful for everybody’s support. Your comments and encouragement not only helped keep Ben and my son focused but definitely helped me more than you can imagine. I resisted posting motherly guidance every morning for fear of being repetitive.
A huge thank you to all of you, all the cautionary guidance and encouragement was given without me having to interfere, I am especially indebted to Richard Pierce, who pre-empted my 4 am worries each and every day, powerfully with wit, wisdom and genuine concern.
Thank you Ben for all the wonderful posts and being a friend to Tarka
Thank you all so much and “God Speed” to every one of you
# CaninesCashews, February 8th 2014
#Thea what a relief it must have been for you over these last couple of days and how incredibly proud you must be.
I imagine it was nice to know you had this community of well-wishers supporting the boys. That you had something you could dip in to for a daily pick me up during this emotional rollercoaster or an adventure.
As for Tarka and Ben – I hope they have forged a life-long friendship on this ‘camping trip’ of theirs. In my experience friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest, it is about who came along and never left your side. I think they qualify for that.
One more thing – please remember, us sons are what our mother made us.
All the best
# Mal Owen, February 8th 2014
@ Thea
From one mother to another…..
It has been a privilege to follow and share the moments until their safe return. I am in no doubt about how I would have been feeling had it been my son. How relieved you must be. The proud mother can now recover from her ‘Worst Journey’ ... dare I say it , until the next time. Enjoy your family time.
Kind regards
# Jon G, February 8th 2014
Tried posting from the train yesterday, but not sure it made it through the ether.
Gav was right in his comments about standing on the shoulders of giants. You’re now in their ranks, and when the time comes I’ve got no doubt you’ll help others stand on yours.
I woke up last night with a Sondheim song about giants and adventures in my head, and for a while I couldn’t work out why. It’s from Into The Woods, and it’s about Jack, his beanstalk, and the tugs of adventures and home. Safe travels (again).
When you’re way up high
And you look below
At the world you left
And the things you know,
Little more than a glance
Is enough to show
You just how small you are.
When you’re way up high
And you’re own your own
In a world like none
That you’ve ever known,
Where the sky is lead
And the earth is stone,
And you know things now
that you never knew before,
Not till the sky.
And you scramble down
And you look below,
And the world you know
Begins to grow:
The roof, the house, and your Mother at the door.
The roof, the house and the world you never thought to explore.
And you think of all of the things you’ve seen,
And you wish that you could live in between,
And you’re back again,
Only different than before,
After the sky.
There are Giants in the sky
There are big tall terrible awesome scary wonderful
Giants in the sky
# Perran, February 8th 2014
It’s time to smell the roses Ben…. Think about settling down a bit and rearing children who
can sit spellbound hearing the tales of your amazing expedition…
Good Effort you two !
# Carlos, February 8th 2014
I knew about your expedition just before arriving Punta Arenas, and at this point I got hooked, looking for updates twice a day.
It has been absolutely impressive to be able to follow your daily updates. Kudos to Intel for acheiving such a technological landmark. Seems like you were towing a tribune full of followers in your sledges.
In the very first days of your expedition,when your sledges were 200kg. heavy, and your daily mileage was about 10, I felt that the finish line was impossible to reach.
Day after day, depot after depot, when your daily mileage improved substantially, I felt absolutely amazed for your endurance, strength, and menthal preparation. This feeling has lasted me for the rest of the expedition, so you make me beat a record. 90 days (and counting) absolutely astonished!
I want to give my modest opinion about the resuply you had: We all could feel through your daily updates that something wasn’t going right after the great effort of reaching the Pole.
I’m glad that You two and your team took the right decision at this very hard point.
Congratulations Ben & Tarka, you’ve made history!!
I’ll follow your further posts, my admiration to you doesn’t finish today :-)
My Very Best Wishes,
Carlos (Mallorca)
# Pat Henton, February 8th 2014
Tarka and Ben. Congratulations on completing your amazing journey. Thankyou for sharing your experiences, I am truly in awe of what you have accomplished, a tremendous achievement, bravo.
# Toby Arnold, February 8th 2014
Ben & Tarka, this is my first comment, but I felt you both equally deserve all the adoration you have been receiving for this has clearly been a unique human endeavour. As a team, you have striven to support each other. Tarka has been doing this without blogging here (with one exception), but Ben you have eloquently described the huge role that Tarka has played in keeping you going.
Ben, your writing has moved me so many times and implored me to login each day for another chapter in this exceptional story of adversity, friendship and achievement.
Your powerful and evocative writing has encouraged thousands of people to follow your everyday moves and for hundreds to leave their own wonderful posts of prose, poetry and lyrics. I must make mention of Richard here, who has uplifted me with his words of encouragement, knowledge, advice and poetry.I trust he did the same for you.
I hope that you find time to blog a little more about your journey back to normality. Otherwise I look forward to meeting you again when you give future talks to inspire others to achieve their dreams.
Congratulations to both of you, your support teams and all those who willed you on through this incredible journey.
Toby A
# Susan from Michigan, February 8th 2014
Break out the champagne!!! You did it!!! Congratulations on a job well done!! Thank you for allowing us to follow along on your journey!! You been an inspiration to all and now we know dreams really can come true!!!
# Eric, February 8th 2014
Hi Ben and Tarka,
Congratulation! Thank you to share your fantastic expedition through your blog, day after day. Enjoy your Victory!
Hope you’ll back soon with a book and a film.
Best regards,
# Liz Naik, February 8th 2014
From Liz & Kiran, Switzerland.
# Gabi, February 8th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka !
Your physical and mental endurance are way off the scale, I can only admire what you achieved.
Thanks also for the excellent blogs.
Gabi (Germany)
# Thomas Latcham, February 8th 2014
What you achieved you achieved for us all. We were with you in prayers.It made us stronger if we were weak. And if we encouraged you, then you took something from that. Congratulations! You might see me there oneday… Antarctica might just have to contend with me, oneday too…
# Susan Herring, February 8th 2014
Congratulations, Ben and Tarka! Have enjoyed following your journey these past weeks. Glad you made it back safe and sound!
# DJ, February 8th 2014
I’ve waited to comment till all the more “intimately connected regulars” had their say; for, in many ways, I’ve felt a bit like an “interloper"amongst a very tight-knit group of very, VERY close friends and family. I actually have no reason to be amongst you all for the past two years save it be for the avocation of mine in following adventures like this and a bit of amature-cartography. However - you did make it public; and, you “unlock the door you never know who’ll walk in.”
From watching many “ventures” like this, to Everest, to Africa, through South America, into outer space and even previously to Antarctica, I can compare to you that I’ve not been “internet-witness” to what appears to be more physical endurance than what you two have been through these past three months! (And, frankly, hope never to be again.)
And even though—although you may not be able to comprehend it from your present post-endurance vantage point—you and Tarka didn’t come close to the danger, privation and endurance I’ve been “personal-witness” to, you none-the-less “made it through.” And what more of an accomplishment can anyone ask of anyone? Oh, I’m sure you could have called on your sat phone for an almost immediate evacuation from the ordeal (and most of us are glad you could); but, was that ever an option for either of YOU… Brits… really?
Being sort of an “uninvited guest” to the party I must confess of feeling at times a bit envious of all the commenters with seemingly more intimate connection to you two. Our connections open doors to associations and, in this example, you probably wouldn’t accept an invite to meet from someone you didn’t know and had nothing in common with. If you had pain, or experience it in the days to come when you rehabilitate, it has bought you a “ticket,” sort of. A more direct association, if you will, with others of similar experience—that those of us merely watching won’t have.
So, as erudite as we’ve tried to make them and as utterly effusive as they sometimes have been, none of these comments should really matter to you—more than the personal knowledge, if you can feel it, of standing in the company of, and perhaps having the respect of, others who have “been rained on too… and made it through.”
Cheers… mates!
# DJ, February 8th 2014
Oh, it’s—STILL—not too late for a “snow angel” photo!
# michael walsh , February 9th 2014
truly amazing feat .. what nerve… you guys should be knighted
# Ian Brookes, February 9th 2014
Shackelton said ‘reach beyond your expectations’ - I’ve always tried to live up to this and you too have! Awesome, lost for words, lump in my throat for you guys!
# Caroline Oates, February 9th 2014
I’m relieved that neither of you had to use the line, “I’m just going out, I may be some time.”
What a fantastic, tough and worthwhile journey.
Congratulations from all the Oates family xx
# Paul Bower (Downe Arms hotel), February 9th 2014
What a finish, followed your blog every day, so glad you arrived back safely. Hope to see you again in North Yorkshire & that’s an offer to all of you, just give me a call, would love to hear the stories.
regards Paul & Jane
# Simon Griffee, February 9th 2014
Ben & Tarka,
Dear Ben,
I’ve followed your plan [since 2006](, and am thrilled you have done it — congratulations!
With warmest regards from Rome, where I’ll treat you and Tarka to a *massive* meal any time you visit!
# Damian, February 10th 2014
That was a lovely way to describe your feelings and thanks at the end of this journey.
Congratulations and thank you for keeping adventure alive.