the Journey
Distance to go:
0 Mi
Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.
Distances here are shown in statute miles.
A Mixed Bag (Day 29)
Day 29: S81° 05' 11.22", E168° 50' 29.34"
Duration: 8 Hr
Daily distance: 14.7 Mi
Distance to go: 1544.2 Mi
Temperature: -12 °C
Wind chill: -24 °C
Altitude: 115 Ft

Some high points and some low points today. I slept fitfully and woke at 3am to the unmistakable warning grumbles of some rather urgent gastrointestinal distress. A full-on storm was raging outside, I was stripped to my thermal underwear in my sleeping bag (it takes about five minutes to get fully dressed including boots) and Tarka was fast asleep, so I rammed two plastic bags onto my sock-clad feet, clambered into the porch of the tent, zipped myself in, and did what I had to do. Despite burying the fast-freezing evidence, Tarka wasn't exactly over the moon to discover my emergency evacuation when we woke four hours later, and I was the first to admit it hadn't really improved the ambience of our little home.
Then our stove decided to play up. It spluttered sootily through the breakfast snow-melting session but took so long that we were delayed an hour by the time we escaped the tent. And when we did climb out of the door, it was a complete whiteout with a strong headwind. Morale was not at its highest.
Thankfully almost everything improved throughout the day (though I still had to answer the call of nature again before we finished) and we had some really good sections of surface this afternoon. The wind stayed, so we spent all day in goggles and masks, but the sun came out through the clouds and the contrast was good enough to navigate easily all afternoon. We're also inside 81 degrees now, so we're inching closer to the Pole.
We've just swapped the stove for our spare, which is roaring away like a rocket about to take off, and Tarka's servicing the other one while I make dinner (they need a thorough clean every fortnight out here). Dinner, incidentally, is Chicken Jalfrezi, our hottest curry by quite some margin. Kill or cure, I reckon..
Last up, a very happy birthday to Steve Jones, who has worked extraordinarily hard for us over the years to organise the logistics for this expedition. Also, a huge thank you to everyone who is sending us messages of support, either as comments on the site, via email, or to the few that are sending us text messages on the satphone. I'm sorry we can't reply to everyone, but we're more grateful than I know how to say, and please keep them coming.
# John Colver, November 23rd 2013
Well done, guys. Your updates are highly inspirational. Keep them coming.
# Kerry Rogers, November 23rd 2013
“Kill it or cure it” is Stefans curry philosophy too as you we’ll know ;) hope you feel better today!
# Chris Allen, November 23rd 2013
Blimey ! curry, knowing you already have a dodgy gut? have you and Tarka argued ?
Keep your chins up lads.
# Offroading Home, November 23rd 2013
Nine walking days from 78 to 79; 7 days from 79 to 80 and now FIVE days from 80 to 81. I half expect you to do the next one in three days! But, I suppose that’s a bit unrealistic. None-the-less: good on ya mates!
# CaninesCashews, November 23rd 2013
We’ll done guys another great mileage day, a great run the last few days.
Keep it up and Beardmore will be in sight in no time.
Stay safe.
# Willie, November 23rd 2013
Ben and Tarka, the mileage is impressive keep that great rate up. In the gym today on the cross trainer and thought of you guys slogging it out on the ice, not the same in the gym, warm, watching Sky, listening to upbeat music. When in the Arctic we always used to teach our students, never eat the yellow snow near the tent sites. Top Tip for you guys don’t eat the brown snow !!!!!!!! Hope the Jalfrezi stays in.
# Jorge Latre, November 24th 2013
What a fantastic endeavor. Thank you for sharing it so directly. You are an inspiration to me and my friends. Godspeed Ben and Tarka!
# George Chapman, November 24th 2013
Glad to see you guys are ding well. The mileage is adding up day by day. Hope your having some fun during your tent time. Really appreciate all your post and photos. Hope your feeling better tomorrow I sure it’s not a good place to get sick. You guys take care of yourself.
Following you on FB and Google Earth from sunny Central Florida U.S.A. Todays temperature 76ºF at AM EST.
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# #TibarianD, November 25th 2013
Don’t blame you for number two, even if Tarka wasn’t pleased! LMFAO. Do it for GB! & be safe lads!