the Journey
Distance to go:
0 Mi
Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.
Distances here are shown in statute miles.
Ben and Tarka Make History (Official Announcement)
S77° 50' 53.88", E166° 46' 15.96"
Duration: 5 Hr
Daily distance: 11.1 Mi
Distance to go: 0 Mi
Altitude: 26 Ft

On Friday 7th February at 01.15am Ben and Tarka have re-written history as they completed, for the first time ever, the ill-fated journey of Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s iconic Terra Nova expedition.
Having trekked 1,795 miles across the inhospitable landscape of Antarctica on a return journey to the South Pole and back, Ben and Tarka have achieved the world record for the longest polar journey on foot in history.
The journey, which has taken a total of 105 days (just over ¼ of a year), has pushed the limits of physical and mental fortitude and reset the bar for polar expeditions of the future. Ben and Tarka hauled sleds with a starting weight of almost 200kg each and walked on average 17 miles daily in temperatures as low as -46oC wind chill.
Ben Saunders said, “It is almost impossible to comprehend what we have achieved. Completing Scott’s Terra Nova expedition has been a life-long dream and I’m overcome to be standing here at the finish. The journey has been a mammoth undertaking that has tested the bounds of our bodies and minds each and every day.”
“At times we found ourselves in dire straits in the intense cold, wind and altitude of the high plateau, weakened by half-rations and closer to the brink of survival than I had ever anticipated this journey taking us. In that light, both Tarka and I feel a combination of awe and profound respect for the endurance, tenacity and fortitude of Captain Scott and his team, a century ago.”
Captain Scott and his men died having covered almost 1,600 miles and this feat has never been surpassed in over 100 years, until today.
Land Rover and Intel are co-presenting partners of the Scott Expedition and have both played an important role in facilitating the expedition. Land Rover having assisted Ben in his training which has taken him to many inaccessible places across the UK, Europe and Greenland; and Intel provided Ultrabooks powered by its latest 4th generation Intel® CoreTM processor technology allowing Ben and Tarka to share their journey with the world along the way in their daily blog ( Intel put the technology through its paces over several weeks prior to Ben and Tarka’s departure by freezing the Ultrabooks at temperatures of -40C.
Mark Cameron Jaguar Land Rover Director, Brand Experience “ It has been a true privilege for Land Rover to have played a part in this incredible expedition. I have followed Ben and Tarka each day, trying in some small way to live the experience so vividly and eloquently described through Ben’s blog. To complete this journey has taken the very highest levels of physical and mental fortitude as well as a sheer determination to succeed.”
“We all need heroes, incredible individuals or teams to provide inspiration to spur us on to achieve better for ourselves and the people around us. There are few feats of any description that exemplify more appropriately the Land Rover mantra of going ‘Above and Beyond’. Congratulations Ben and Tarka.”
Commenting on Intel’s support of the Scott Expedition, Patrick Bliemer, Regional Manager for Intel Northern Europe, said: “We are honoured to have played a small part in this record-breaking Scott Expedition by Ben and Tarka. We are incredibly proud that Intel technology has helped him share his experiences with audiences around the world – this unprecedented access is the first of its kind and one which will change the future of expeditions to come.”
Ben will be in touch shortly with the full low down and pictures from this historic moment. In the meantime - a massive thank you to all of you, our amazing followers. World - let's celebrate!
# Kat, February 7th 2014
Wonderful! Congratulations…so happy you both made it back in one piece! Looking forward to the book! Please keep posting for a while, Ben & Tarka. I’ll miss those daily blog updates….
# Peter McCarthy, February 7th 2014
Congratulations Ben and Tarka, absolutely awesome effort. Revel in the glory - you deserve it and a hot shower and a scone or two. The heroic era is alive and well as long as men such as you are on this earth.
# Dave, February 7th 2014
Is that Ben in this picture?
# Dave, February 7th 2014
Try copying the address and pasting it into a browser rather than clicking on it.
# Chris, February 7th 2014
Not sure who it is!
The link, as is, doesn’t work. You have to type .html to the end after pasting.. This might work…
# Dave, February 7th 2014
This site doesn’t seem to like including “html” in links for some reason. Maybe just not after “jpg”?
# Offroading Home, February 7th 2014
There have been a couple of people who saw a “mysterious figure” in the webcam AND who had trouble getting any link to work on these comments. A photograph HAS to be stored on the web somewhere with it’s own web address before a link will work in these comments. Places like Photobucket etc. give photos their own address BUT have programming to prevent third parties from skimming them - which, is what requests from these comments look like to it. So, when you put links in here, they either don’t work at all or go to a photobucket page which gives an error.
In lieu of all that, several people have sent me (Offroading Home) their screen captures by attaching them to an email via the web page. Tonight we have seen one screen with a shadowy figure, lightly bundled in a dark coat, standing at the lower right edge of the screen - the timing, build and clothing adjudged that NOT to be either Ben or Tarka.
A second screenshot of a silhouette of a man standing in a patch of snow by the shoreline was also adjudged NOT to be either Ben or Tarka for similar reasons. If your photo is different than what I’ve described please attach it to an email to me and I’ll see to it that it gets a “home” on the web so others can see if it turns out to be Ben.
Based on comment posts and emails I’ve become privy to - from Andy to others with similar concerns - it’s doubtful that Ben and Tarka thought it a high enough priority to comply with followers requests. Andy has told one emailer to leave the question to him and he’ll get back to her if it was Ben. If he ever does, she’s said she will let me know and I’ll see to it that a post is made in these comments if it hasn’t already been done.
# Sheila England, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! Rest well, and enjoy being with your loved ones again.
Cannot wait to see the photos. I will miss reading this blog, but now I may re-read it again, before it is taken down?
Lots of love to you both!
# Jesse, February 7th 2014
Congratulations guys! I’ve been following for a long time. So inspiring. Reading this blog everyday got me through a lot of crappy days at work. Thank you. I’m kind of sad to not get updates every day now though :)
# Ben, February 7th 2014
I have been following your blog since mid-fall. What a fantastic journey! The pictures and stories are incredible. Congratulations!
# Susy Ellison, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! I have been following your trek each day. Amazing work.
# Courtney M, February 7th 2014
# MJB, February 7th 2014
Congratulations! Peace and healing to you both. Pure awe, wonder, and joy for you both!
# Ben, February 7th 2014
Congratulations team! What an achievement. Delighted that you’ve achieved your dream after working so hard towards for 10 years. Looking forward to seeing the finishing photos! Enjoy whatever food and drinks you’ve been craving for the past 3 months!
# Richard McGehee, February 7th 2014
You placed your lives on the line for your dream, as did Captain Scott and his men.
We must all do the same.
Happy trails to you from Kentucky.
# Jim C, February 7th 2014
Well done, gentlemen! Congratulations on your incredible accomplishment. It was so great following you each day. Looking forward your post-adventure publicity.