the Journey
Distance to go:
0 Mi
Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.
Distances here are shown in statute miles.
Downhill, a Dog-Leg and a Depot (Day 81)
Day 81: S85° 10' 31.80", E161° 44' 35.88"
Duration: 9 Hr
Daily distance: 22.9 Mi
Distance to go: 562.2 Mi
Temperature: -19 °C
Wind chill: -24 °C
Altitude: 7362 Ft

Today had a bit of magic in it, and we haven't had a day like that for a while down here. The weather was grim when we set out; nearly a complete whiteout and at best a flat, grey light and thick cloud that would have given Scott and his men real trouble (he writes in his diary of one man - usually Birdie Bowers - scouting ahead in poor visibility, searching for signs of their old tracks, or for the snow cairns they left at regular intervals).
For us, it meant getting a magnetic bearing from our GPS, setting the compass and skiing blindly into the gloom, confident in the knowledge that the tiny gadget, along with the help of a few billion dollars' worth of satellites, knew exactly where we were, exactly where our buried depot was, and exactly where the waypoints were that would allow us to safely steer a dog-leg around the western edge of the Shackleton Ice Falls, avoiding getting tangled up in its giant crevasses and pressure ridges.
Our navigation was bang-on, and although the surface was ridged with sastrugi for most of the day and therefore tough on ankles, knees, elbows and shoulders as we struggled to keep our balance, we covered 22.9 miles (39.8km) in all.
The cloud finally lifted at 7pm as we were approaching our depot, and the view was glorious. We spotted the spare ski we'd left as a marker, defiantly standing upright in the wind with its fabric streamer flapping madly. I saw it first, and my excitement reminded me of going to the coast at Lyme Regis or Weymouth with my brother as a child, wondering who would spot the sea first. I can't tell you what a joy it is having scenery again after so many days on the featureless plateau, and I thought the Dominion Range looked stunning this evening as the last of the cloud rolled off it.
Taking bearings on Mount Darwin and Buckley Island (Rob, we'll send a photo back tomorrow when we're next to it!) was a very special feeling indeed, and I couldn't help reflecting that the only other teams to have skied towards these landmarks were led by Sir Ernest Shackleton and Captain Scott. Not for the first time I felt like a bit of an imposter as I led us towards the depot; little old me who learnt to read a compass as a Scout. It's a special feeling being here, and tomorrow the Beardmore awaits...
# Hilary, January 14th 2014
Another great day, another landmark in sight! Keep the focus, your loyal band of supporters are cheering you on, and taking each step for you. Hope the Beardmore is as kind as it was on the way up. I hope you do a lecture tour too, I will definitely be there! And a book, and an album of photos. Take care!
# ale, January 14th 2014
81 days out there
3rd expedition going that way ever!
less than 600 miles
Keep going and keep us dreaming!!!
# varry mccullough, January 14th 2014
awesome…you two are awesome : )
# Lisa Jane Persky, January 14th 2014
Ditto all that positive stuff. Fantastic. Thanks again and always for managing to keep up the diary. All the best to each of you, every single day.
# Gina, January 15th 2014
THATS SO FLIPPING COOL!!!!!! I can only imagine the thrill you two guys must be feelin’!
# McDowell Crook, January 15th 2014
Absolutely fantastic. Way to go guys!