the Journey
Distance to go:
0 Mi
Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.
Distances here are shown in statute miles.
Mountains on the Horizon (Day 79)
Day 79: S85° 49' 25.2", E159° 42' 21"
Duration: 9 Hr
Daily distance: 24.7 Mi
Distance to go: 610 Mi
Temperature: -21 °C
Wind chill: -34 °C
Altitude: 8665 Ft

Tarka didn't think we'd see them until tomorrow, but my mum (she was looking at Google Earth when we spoke on the phone last night) thought they might come into view today: the long ridge of summits that makes up the Dominion Range of mountains, to our north east. Mum was right; they appeared over the horizon during the last hour of today. I was in the lead when I spotted them and turned back to Tarka, pointing with my ski pole. He lifted both his poles in the air in a victory salute and it was a special moment.
Spotting those far peaks must have been a huge relief to Shackleton and Scott's teams, the only people in history to have trodden this route before us, and the sight certainly added a spring to our step and a few inches to our stride. We ended up having our best day in ages today, and a record distance for a 'normal' day of nine hours' skiing: nigh-on 40km, or 25 miles. The weather was great: not too cold, a tailwind, and excellent visibility and contrast. The surface was as good as we've had in ages, there's only a small amount of sastrugi, and what's more we've found our old tracks again, raised like railway lines above the snow's surface, so navigating was a doddle.
We both felt physically and mentally strong all day, so last night's feast seems to have paid off. I think we must have consumed close to 8,000 calories in 24 hours, and around 1,200 grams of carbohydrate alone yesterday. Our bodies seem to be processing this colossal amount of energy quite happily, and my inner human performance and nutrition geek wishes we could do a bit more research into our extraordinary metabolic turnover at the moment.
We're celebrating today's mileage with another two dinners each this evening, an extra breakfast shared between us as pudding, and half a litre of sweet tea to wash it all down, so that's close to another 2,000 calories going into my belly between finishing this update and going to sleep...
# Tobias M, January 12th 2014
Ben and Tarka,
So thrilled you guys are eating well and feeling strong! You are constantly in mine and Zayne’s prayers!
Big hug to you both
PS - Wedding invite en route!
# Offroading Home, January 13th 2014
Yep… it’s amazing what adequate nutrition will do! And congrats on another 24 mile day. Your old camp #46 is “only” about 21.3 miles away at the top of the Beardmore (is that where more food is located?).
For those following, a note that we’ve made some major additions to the Google Earth Antarctic Resource File [available free at: ] which might be of interest. You’ll notice a bit more visible track-points which make it easier to follow the difficulty of the terrain by the separation of the “ping marks.” AND, probably the most interesting, the major buildings and sectors of the South Pole Station have now been added. You can follow Ben and Tarka’s track (well as best as hourly trackpoints allow) around the buildings, pole and ski-way. [Sorry, they were to have been added before their arrival at the pole but the problems Google Earth has with displays across 90 degrees didn’t allow it.]
Satellite image shows a bit more terrain tomorrow with “heightened relief” as you climb down to the head of the Beardmore. This, fellas, is Offroading Home to the max!
# Dave, January 13th 2014
Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there. Enjoy the view.
# kiwawa, January 13th 2014
Yaaaaay! Chase those mountains boys! Keep your eyes peeled to the ground in case you might have dropped a snack on the way there… I feel I ought to considered eating 8000 calories this very minute to experience an energy boost and cover 40km dragging my sofa or something. I wish my thoughts could actually physically help you both. Now I’m sure you can see your own tracker, you are so close to half way back it’s getting increadibly real. Just watched a lady on CNN try to pronounce L’Herpiniere, and for once I felt no anger at the lady for mispronouncing, but utter gushing pride. My big bro is a hero in the making.