the Journey
Distance to go:
0 Mi
Ben and Tarka will cover 1800 miles starting from Scott's Terra Nova Hut at the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole and back to the coast again. That's equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons hauling up to 200kg each (the weight of roughly two adult men) of kit and supplies necessary to survive.
Distances here are shown in statute miles.
No Blog Yesterday (Day 72)
Day 72: S87° 44' 55.44", E159° 21' 32.4"
Duration: 8 Hr 30 Min
Daily distance: 21.1 Mi
Distance to go: 742.7 Mi
Altitude: 10079 Ft

Ben and Tarka picked up their depot last night and will spend today at their current camp site. They didn't send a blog back yesterday but will do this evening. They are both tired but absolutly fine and are just spending a day catching up on admin. Now they have picked up the Iridium Pilot at their depot they will also send back some photos from the South Pole later today.
# Richard Pierce, January 5th 2014
Good to hear they’ll be putting in another rest day. I’ll be doing a radio show this morning from 10 a.m. on Radio Stradbroke which will feature some Antarctic material, although I doubt the boys will be listening - or
# wonderwoman, January 5th 2014
Ben and Tarka, you have done a great day reaching the depot. What a willpower and determination. And now, hopefully, a good rest! We send you love and pray for you.
# Andrea Topi, January 5th 2014
After all have been said in the past days, now I’m signing my comments with full name. Glad to hear the guys reached the depot as planned. Maybe they had to spend more time unfolding and organizing items and food, charging devices and things like that, so it’s no wonder they won’t blog today.
Yesterday they traveled a good distance, so I’m confident they’re feeling good and healthy.
Forward and God speed.
# Helena, January 5th 2014
Good job yesterday, have a good rest today! Still with you! Friends from Brno, Czech Republic
# Andy Lawrence, January 5th 2014
That distance remaining figure keeps coming down! Remember when it was over 1500? Top job guys.
# Nick, January 5th 2014
Inverness to London is 561 miles according to the handy internet. That’s worth knowing maybe.
# CaninesCashews, January 5th 2014
Hi guys,
Good to hear you’re having a break from the toil and have picked up the depot.
Look forward to the high res pics.
Have a good rest and recharge.
# Harlan Kennard, January 5th 2014
Everyday, I look forward to reading about your journey. I am so impressed with what you have already accomplished. Your endeavor is truly inspiring . Thank you…
# George Chapman, January 5th 2014
Nice amount of mileage today. Wishing you guys all the best each day. Look forward to seeing your blog later today. Your going to need lot’s of strength to keep going for another 40 days so be careful and not over work yourself and become extremely exhausted. But I’m sure you already know that.
# AlisonP, January 5th 2014
Glad to hear that Ben and Tarka are getting more rest, so important as there is still hard work ahead. Good mileage for the day. I hope you two now feel more rested and fed and readey for the coming days. Every morning I start my day reading about your latest, always so in awe of what you are doing. Stay safe, and enjoy the rest of the way.
# Andrea, January 5th 2014
Given that the functioning rules of the nature there are different ones, and the measure of satisfying the nature’s pretention degrees there is not a constant (a constant number) , but an interval of values, being known that for the human beings are an unknown either the exact form of the deep means of satisfying them either the exact forms of researching instantly within the deep means, thus is a fact obtaining a variety of values for the measure of being satisfied the antarctic pretentions.
And wishing them to see that they were having found these means for this unlinear measure and, witch due to, that was possible the expedition to the South Pole in 110 days or what theirs number will be, despite that exhausts the human species (for this later fact, we have the endurance).
# Andrea, January 5th 2014
,as you know these. You are invicti as you began of many times from the beginning the researching of the deep means, this reason why you are invicte.
# David, January 5th 2014
Very good progress made - and good that you are resting. Warm and cosy I doubt but perhaps content that you’re walking down the miles with every step. Its important that although we’re so keen in following your every step (and word) you stay safe and well. Take care. God’s speed